Plateforme mondiale des Champs-Écoles des Producteurs
Number of documents: 43

Un bon départ! Faire fonctionner une école pratique d'agriculture et de vie pour les jeunes

Matériel de formation

2007 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) -
Production system:

Report of the International Workshop on Environmental Impact Quotient (EIQ)

Plaidoyer et politiques publiques

2007 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) -
The Environmental Impact Quotient, EIQ, is one of numerous pesticide risk indicator models developed to rate potential hazardous impacts on human health and the environment of different pesticide use regimes. The EIQ takes into account toxicity information on the inherent potential of the active ingredient as well as actual application [...]
Production system:

Reducing pesticide exposure and associated neurotoxic burden in an Ecuadorian small farm population

Étude d'impact

2007 - International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health - Cole, D.C., S. Sherwood, M. Paredes, L. Helena Sanin, C. Crissman, P. Espinosa and F. Munoz
The contribution of community-based interventions, including farmer field schools (FFSs) in integrated pest management (IPM), to reducing pesticide exposures and associated neurotoxic burden among smallfarm families in Ecuador was assessed in three Andean farming communities in a co-design of targeted action–research. Baseline questionnaire surveys elicited pesticide-related knowledge, practices, and exposure [...]
Production system:

Workshop on Pesticide Risk Impact Assessment

Étude d'impact

2007 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) -
Workshop Report Under the project “Pesticide Risk Reduction in South East Asia”, an impact assessment workshop was held in Ho Chi Minh City from 23 to 25 July, 2007. It was attended by 10 participants from China, Cambodia and Vietnam. The participants included independent impact assessment leaders from the Royal University of Agriculture in Phnom [...]
Production system:

Regional Workshop on Curriculum Development for Pesticide Risk Reduction

Documents techniques de référence

2007 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Ngo Tien Dung, Chou Chey Thyrith, Tim Stock, Gerd Walter-Echols, Helen Murphy and Alma Linda C. Morales-Abubakar
The workshop focused on the development of a regional conceptual framework for curriculum development for pesticide risk reduction training. The workshop was also aimed at strengthening capacities of member countries to carry out these activities. The workshop included introductory presentations on risk reduction and the link between impact assessment and curriculum [...]
Production system:

The Farmer Field School (FFS): a method for enhancing the role of rural communities in malaria control?

Étude de cas

2006 - Malaria Journal - Henk van den Berg and Bart GJ Knols
This text focuses on the role that FFS can play in Malaria control by farmers in the fields. It presents the Integrated Pest and Vector Management (IPVM) developed in Sri Lanka.
Production system: Insectes

The Farmer Field School: a method for enhancing the role of rural communities in malaria control ?

Documents techniques de référence

2006 - Malaria Journal - Henk van den Berg, Bart GJ Knols
Malaria has strong linkages with agriculture, and farmers in malarious regions have a central position in creating or controlling the conditions that favour disease transmission. An interdisciplinary and integrated approach is needed to involve farmers and more than one sector in control efforts. It is suggested that malaria control can [...]
Production system:

Impact of integrated pest management Farmer Field Schools on health, farming systems, the environment, and livelihoods of cotton growers in Southern India

Étude d'impact

2006 - Wageningen University - Francesca Mancini
Crop productivity has increased worldwide since the late 1950s thanks to the modernisation of agriculture. However, many small-scale farming systems located in regions with limited access to resources have seen their profitability constrained by the intensification of input use. The rain-fed cotton farming sector in South and Central India provides [...]
Production system:

Acute Pesticide Poisoning Among Female and Male Cotton Growers in India

Étude d'impact

2005 - Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health - Francesca Mancini, Ariena H. C. Van Bruggen, Janice L.S. Jiggins, Arun C. Ambatipudi & Helen Murphy
A season-long assessment of acute pesticide poisoning among farmers was conducted in three villages in India. Fifty female cotton growers reported the adverse effects experienced after exposures to pesticides by themselves and by their male relatives (n = 47). The study documented the serious consequences of pesticide use for the [...]
Production system: Culture, Autres

Do pesticide hazards to human health and beneficial insects cause or result from IPM adoption? Mixed messages from Farmer Field Schools in Nicaragua

Étude d'impact

2005 - American Agricultural Economics Association - Ricardo A. Labarta and Scott M. Swinton
This paper analyzes the interaction between farmer training in pest management and effects on acute pesticide poisoning and populations of beneficial insects in Nicaragua. Using farm level data from Nicaraguan bean growers, including graduates of Farmer Field Schools (FFS), other integrated pest management (IPM) outreach methods, and farmers without exposure [...]
Production system:
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