Plateforme mondiale des Champs-Écoles des Producteurs
Number of documents: 36

The participatory approach of agroecology transition. The case study of Farmer Field Schools in Cape Verde

Étude de cas

2022 - University of Trento - Luca Serantoni
My master's dissertation research was completed in Cape Verde, focussing on the participatory approach to the agro-ecological transition of rural communities. In particular, the dissertation observed an aspect of the implementation of the FAO approach based on people-centred learning: the Farmer Field Schools (FFS). I designed and conducted several [...]
Production system:


Documents techniques de référence

2020 - FAO - SANA, Youssoufou
Au Burkina Faso, le faible niveau de développement social et économique et sa population à grande majorité rurale rendent le pays très dépendant des ressources naturelles. Pour se nourrir, se loger et s’épanouir, les ressources naturelles sont directement prélevées et les terres sont de plus en plus mises en culture [...]
Production system: Culture, Élevage, Volailles

Report of the Knowledge exchange on the promotion of efficient rice farming practices, Farmer Field School curriculum development and value chains

Documents techniques de référence

2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
A total of 33 participants (10 women) participated in the Regional Rice Initiative – Workshop cum Study Tour on knowledge exchange on Farmer Field School curriculum development for promotion of efficient rice farming practices and value chains. Field visits were made to Sleman (Rice-Fish farming and “jajar legowo”) and Boyalali [...]
Production system: Céréales, Aquaculture, Pêche

The Role of Farmer Field Schools Approach in Improving Tea Production among Smallholding in Kenya

Étude d'impact

2015 - Universal Journal of Agricultural Research - Evans L. Chimoita, Gatahi Dennis Maina, Dennis Opiyo Olila, Joseph P.Gweyi Onyango
The main objective was to determine the role of Farmer Field Schools extension approach and eventual outcome tea production among small scale farmers in Kenya. The study assessed the trends and the influence of Farmer Field Schools (FFS) approach in addressing productivity of tea leaves. Research findings revealed a positive trend [...]
Production system: Stimulants et épices

A training package: Introducing the farm business school

Matériel de formation

2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - David Kahan and Steve Worth
This publication comprises a collection of training materials that include: i) an orientation programme for policy makers and programme managers, ii) a short training (1 day or 7 days) for facilitators to set up and run farm business schools, (iii) a handbook aimed at providing guidance to trainers to [...]
Production system:

Manual of seaweed production and field guide of discovery-based exercises for Farmer Field Schools

Matériel de formation

2014 - Peace and Equity Foundation (PEF); Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) -
This manual-field guide is a compilation of recent developments, current practices, and success accounts in implementing integrated cultural management on seaweed production. We involved as many stakeholders as was possible in collating and compiling these notable achievements for use by seaweed farmers and other seaweed production practitioners. Thus, this manual-field [...]
Production system: Aquaculture, Pêche

Farmer Field and Farm Business Schools: Manual for Preparation and Establishment of Farmer Field and Farm Business Schools

Matériel de formation

2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) -
The publication “Manual for Preparation and Establishment of Farmer Field and Farm Business Schools” is intended to be used by the stakeholders in organic sector in Serbia. It has been developed within the framework of the UN FAO Project GCP/SRB/001/HUN: “Assistance to the Development of Capacity and Support Services for [...]
Production system:

Review of Agricultural Extension Interventions in Unlocking Agriculture Potential through Medium Sized Farms, Kenya

Documents techniques de référence

2014 - Equity Group Foundation - Chimoita L. Evans
The overall objective of the report was to review barriers and opportunities that exist in agricultural extension approaches in enhancing production and commercialiation of various value chains in Kenya, Africa. Further, to identify alternative agricultural extension models among other stakeholders. Recommendations are further presented at the end of the report. [...]
Production system:

Farmer Field Schools: A Systematic Review

Étude d'impact

2013 - International Initiative for Impact Evaluation - Hugh Waddington; Birte Snilstveit, Jorge Hombrados, Martina Vojtkova, Daniel Phillips, Howard White
Production system:

Champs-Écoles Paysans sur le Manioc. Ressources à l’intention des Facilitateurs d’Afrique Sub-Saharienne

Matériel de formation

2013 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Martin Ameua, Jennifer Hirea, Daniel Kamalanduac, Godrick Khisad, Celestin Koko Nzezab, Cyprien Ndambi Ndokibc et Wilson Oduori Abangid
Production system: Racines et tubercules
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