Plateforme mondiale des Champs-Écoles des Producteurs
Number of documents: 150

Impact of IPM Programs in Asian Agriculture, in : Integrated Pest Management: Dissemination and Impact

Étude de cas

2009 - Springer Science - Kevin D. Gallagher, Peter A.C. Ooi and Peter E. Kenmore
IPM Programs in Asia, including on rice, cotton and vegetables, have been broadly based on three dimensions. First is a solid IPM science basis including ecological interaction, plant physiology and soil-plant interactions. Second is policy for IPM, especially elimination of pesticide subsidies which cause over-use of pesticides and disrupt natural enemies [...]
Production system: Céréales, Légumes et melons

Pastoralist Field Schools Guidelines for Facilitation

Matériel de formation

2009 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Deborah Duveskog
Production system:

Facilitator training tool for FFS session quality control

Matériel de formation

2009 - JICA -
The Intensified Social Forestry Project in Semi-Arid Areas (ISFP), which is a technical cooperation project between JICA and Kenya Forestry Service (KFS), has been applying the FFS methodology in social forestry extension field since 2004. Based on experiences of ISFP, this multi-media material "Facilitator training tool for FFS session [...]
Production system:

Aprender haciendo: reflexiones sobre la implementación de la metodología de capacitación escuela de campo de agricultores para promover la producción sustentable y el consumo de hortalizas sana

Étude de cas

2009 - SEPIA - Rossana Pacheco, Willy Pradel, Marisol Ramos
El siguiente artículo tiene como fin compartir las reflexiones del equipo HortiSana del Centro Internacional de la Papa, respecto a los aprendizajes obtenidos a partir de la implementación de la metodología ECA, para promover la producción sustentable y el consumo de hortalizas sanas en el Valle del Mantaro, de modo [...]
Production system: Légumes et melons

A docência em uma escola do campo: narrativas de seus professores

Étude de cas

2009 - Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Centro de Educação e Ciências Humanas. - Juliana Pereira de Araujo, Rosa Maria Moraes Anunciato de Oliveira
Production system:

Stakeholder participation for Environmental Management: a Literature review

Plaidoyer et politiques publiques

2008 - Biological Conservation - Mark S. Reed
The complex and dynamic nature of environmental problems requires flexible and transparent decision-making that embraces a diversity of knowledges and values. For this reason, stakeholder participation in environmental decision-making has been increasingly sought and embedded into national and international policy. Although many benefits have been claimed for participation, disillusionment has [...]
Production system:

Learning through Farmer Field Schools: a Case Study of the Taita Hills, Kenya

Étude de cas

2008 - Natural Ressources Institute - Dina Najjar
Production system:

Farmer first revisited : innovation for agricultural research and development

Documents techniques de référence

2008 - Journal of Sustainable Agriculture - Ian Scoones, John Thompson, Robert Chambers
Production system:

Appraisal of Methods to Evaluate Farmer Field Schools

Étude d'impact

2008 - Development in Practice - Francesca Mancini and Janice Jiggins
The need to increase agricultural sustainability has induced the government of India to promote the adoption of integrated pest management (IPM). An evaluation of cotton-based conventional and IPM farming systems was conducted in India (2002–2004). The farmers managing the IPM farms had participated in discovery-based ecological training, namely Farmer Field [...]
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