Plateforme mondiale des Champs-Écoles des Producteurs
Number of documents: 147

The Farmer Field School: a method for enhancing the role of rural communities in malaria control ?

Documents techniques de référence

2006 - Malaria Journal - Henk van den Berg, Bart GJ Knols
Malaria has strong linkages with agriculture, and farmers in malarious regions have a central position in creating or controlling the conditions that favour disease transmission. An interdisciplinary and integrated approach is needed to involve farmers and more than one sector in control efforts. It is suggested that malaria control can [...]
Production system:

Farmer Field School (FFS) Manual: Guidelines for the Implementation of a Farmer Field School (FFS)

Matériel de formation

2006 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) -
This manual highlights the major activities in conducting Farmer Field Schools (FFS) for IPM in watermelons and can also be used as a guide for the conduct of FFS in other crops. It is hoped that the manual will be used and shared among the FFS Facilitators as a resource [...]
Production system: Légumes et melons, Fruits et noix

SARD Project Toolkit


2006 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Karen Powell
The SARD Project Toolkit summarizes frameworks, approaches and tools that can be used to promote sustainability in the management of agricultural and rural development projects and programmes.
Production system:

Demystifying Farmer Field School concepts

Documents clés sur les CEP

2006 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Kevin D Gallagher, Arnoud R Braun and Deborah Duveskog
Production system:

A Global Survey and Review of Farmer Field School Experiences

Documents clés sur les CEP

2006 - ILRI - Arnoud Braun, Janice Jiggins, Niels Röling, Henk van den Berg and Paul Snijders
Production system:

Refresh Your Memory - Farmer Field Schools for IPM

Documents clés sur les CEP

2005 - IPM Danida project - Hein Bijlmakers
An FFS guide designed as a collection of suggestions to "refresh the memory" of FFS facilitators who graduated from a season-long TOT.
Production system: Culture

Farmer Field Schools to promote Integrated Pest Management in Asia : the FAO experience

Documents techniques de référence

2005 - International Rice Research Institute - Andrew Bartlett
This case examines some of the human – as opposed to technological – factors that have influenced the scaling up of the FFS. Organisational issues such as leadership, policy, human resources and competition help to explain why the IPM field school has taken off in some places and not in others. Examples are taken [...]
Production system:

Saving your own vegetable seeds - a guide for farmers.

Matériel de formation

2005 - The World Vegetable Center (AVRDC) - Sutevee Sukprakarn, Sunanta Juntakool & Rukui Huang, and Tom Kalb
This edition is made in an effort to help extension workers who are directly in contact with farmers. This manual was made to help ordinary farmers and contribute to the sustainable development of agriculture through vegetable production in developing countries.
Production system: Légumes et melons, Légumineux

Facilitators Guide for Conducting Farmer Field Schools on SRI

Matériel de formation

2005 - Catholic Relief Services - Gerald Aruna
The SRI (System of Rice Intensification) Facilitators Guide is intended to support farmers’ learning in SRI. It recognizes that there is no one lesson, single strategy, program or course that meets all the needs of farmers in SRI methodology. Supporting farmers in acquiring SRI skills requires on-going work by Facilitators/Development [...]
Production system: Céréales

Beyond Agriculture: Making Markets Work for the Poor. Theme 1: Building Linkages and Enhancing Trust between Small-Scale Rural Producers, Buyers in Growing Markets and Suppliers of Critical Inputs

Documents techniques de référence

2005 - . - Rupert Best, Shaun Ferris and Antonio Schiavone
In the context of the Millennium Development Goals of eradicating extreme poverty and hunger.
Production system: