Plateforme mondiale des Champs-Écoles des Producteurs
Number of documents: 186

Conduire des champs-écoles des producteurs en période de covid-19: Un manuel de ressources

Matériel de formation

2020 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) -
Production system:

Campagne d'information rurale sur les précautions à prendre contre le COVID-19

Plaidoyer et politiques publiques

2020 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) -
Production system:

Campanha da população rural sobre as precauções contra o coronavírus

Plaidoyer et politiques publiques

2020 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) -
Production system:



2020 - FAO - Arnaud, Rouillard
Ce guide a pour but de vous initier à l’utilisation et à la rédaction de fiches techniques sur les bonnes pratiques pastorales et agropastorales. L’objectif étant de vous fournir un outil de gestion des connaissances pleinement opérationnel dans lequel les informations sur les bonnes pratiques sont continuellement documentées et diffusées [...]
Production system: Élevage, Pâturage/arbres fourragers, Gros ruminants, Petits ruminants

Introduction to Farmer Field Schools: A reader for Institutions of Higher Learning

Matériel de formation

2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO); International Institute of Rural Reconstruction -
This Reader has been developed to address the stakeholders’ needs as expressed during the Malindi workshop. The Reader is a compilation of materials on FS methodology sourced from existing FFS publications such as manuals, journal articles and books. It was developed through a writeshop process facilitated by IIRR from 21st [...]
Production system:

Facilitators’ Field Guide for Farmer Field Schools on Participatory Plant Breeding. Module: Diagnostic stage

Matériel de formation

2018 - Oxfam -
The breeding objectives and activities of a Farmer Field School (FFS) season are based on the ‘diagnostic stage’, in which farmers perform a collective diagnosis of their situation and the problems and challenges they encounter in growing their crops and varieties. The diagnostic stage is crucial to ensure that the [...]
Production system:

Facilitators’ Field Guide for Farmer Field Schools on Participatory Plant Breeding. Module: Plot design for Participatory Varietal Selection (PVS) research plots

Matériel de formation

2018 - Oxfam -
In this module we will prepare the Farmer Field School (FFS) site and the plots of land on which we will do the fieldwork and testing of lines for the next season. The way we design the plots and allocate each of the lines that we sow should minimize the [...]
Production system:

Integrated management of the Fall Armyworm on maize. A guide for Farmer Field Schools in Africa

Matériel de formation

2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Key guidelines and advice on effectively and sustainably managing FAW include: Visit the field and look at the status of the crop: its health and signs of presence of the FAW. Farmers can take direct action by crushing egg masses and young larvae. FAW damage can look alarming, but maize plants have [...]
Production system: Céréales

Training of Farmer Field School Master Trainers and Facilitators in Rwanda

Documents clés sur les CEP

2017 - Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources Rwanda, Belgian Development Agency - Somers Raf, Higiro Joseph, Gata Sylvia Salama, Busogoro Jean Pierre & Ndabamenye Telesphore
The comprehensive publication provides detailed information of how FFS Master Trainers and FFS Facilitators were trained in Rwanda. It describes the principles and methods, the training schedules as well as a all different activities during the seasonlong training. A must read for all projects and organisations applying FFS.
Production system: Culture, Élevage, Céréales, Légumes et melons, Fruits et noix, Cultures oléagineuses, Racines et tubercules, Légumineux

The Plant is the Teacher

Documents techniques de référence

2017 - Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources Rwanda, Belgian Development Agency - Somers Raf, Mary Rubibigango, Higiro Joseph, Gata Sylvia Salama
In Rwanda, more than 200,000 families by reached by an FFS program. The colorful publication provides an insights in the success of the farmer field school approach in Rwanda. It describes the principles, the FFS tools, the results, the scaling up and the sustainability.
Production system: