Plateforme mondiale des Champs-Écoles des Producteurs
Number of documents: 60

Farmer Field Schools for Improving Farming Practices and Farmer Outcomes: a Systematic Review

Documents clés sur les CEP

2014 - Campbell Systematic Reviews - Hugh Waddington, Birte Snilstveit, Jorge Hombrados, Martina Vojtkova, Daniel Phillips, Philip Davies, Howard White
Farmer field schools (FFS) are a common approach used to transfer specialist knowledge, promote skills and empower farmers around the world. At least 10 million farmers in 90 countries have attended such schools. We conducted a systematic review of evidence on FFS implementation to investigate whether FFS make a difference, to [...]
Production system:

Farmer Field Schools and Farmer Empowerment

Étude de cas

2014 - International Journal of Agricultural Extension - Marjon Fredrix
Production system:

Las Escuelas de Campo del Programa Agroambiental Mesoamericano (MAP): una apuesta hacia el desarrollo rural sostenible


2013 - The Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE) -
7º. Seminario Internacional de Política Social ¿Es la AF la respuesta al desarrollo rural? Guatemala, 17 de octubre de 2013
Production system:

Learning in the social wild: Farmers Field School and the politics of agricultural science and development in Ecuador

Étude de cas

2013 - Adaptive Collaborative Approaches in Natural Resource Governance - Stephen Sherwood, Marc Schut and Cees Leeuwis
Production system:

Farmer Field Schools as a Springboard for Enhanced Uptake of New Agricultural Technologies. Lessons for Tanzania

Étude de cas

2013 - Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Sciences - Z. S. K. Mvena, A. Z. Mattee, R. M. Wambura, D. L. Mwaseba, E. A. Lazaro, E. D. Kiranga and D. M. Kilave
The latest approach in enhancing the uptake of agricultural technologies is through the Farmer Field Schools that have only a short history in Tanzania.The paper reviews FFS and gives a brief presentation of the history of FFS in Tanzania. The paper then makes an assessment of the effectiveness of the approach [...]
Production system:

Impact of FFS on Farmer's Adoption of IPM options for onion: a Case Study from Gezira state, Sudan

Étude d'impact

2013 - World Journal of Agricultural Sciences - Ahmed M. Abdel Rahman and Mohamed E. Hamid
The objective of this study was to determine the impact of Farmer Field Schools on farmer's adoption of IPM options for onion in the Gezira State. Field surveys were used to collect data from three Farmer Field Schools in the Gezira State in the 2010/2011 growing season. All FFS participants [...]
Production system: Légumes et melons

Supporting communities in building resilience through Agro-Pastoral Field Schools (APFS)

Étude de cas

2013 - FAO - James Robert Okoth, Winfred Nalyongo, Monica Petri and Thomas Ameny
The ecosystem-based Farmer Field Schools (FFS) approach provides an excellent platform that is flexible and responsive to meeting the requisite tailored skills of the farmers. As pastoralists cover large parts of Africa, are especially vulnerable to food insecurity, climatic changes, and often do not receive specific programmes of education, the [...]
Production system: Culture, Élevage

Las escuelas de campo del MAP-CATIE - práctica y lecciones aprendidas en la gestión del conocimiento y la creación de capacidades locales para el desarrollo rural sostenible

Documents techniques de référence

2012 - Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE) - Isabel A. Gutiérrez-Montes, Patricia Bartol de Imbach, Felicia Ramírez, Julio López Payes, Eduardo Say, Karen Banegas
Este estudio proporciona evidencias claras acerca de las bondades de las ECAS y de los impactos que pueden lograrse a partir de su uso apropiado, lo cual confirma y refuerza la importancia de trabajar fuertemente en la promoción y uso de las mismas como herramienta poderosa para la gestión del conocimiento en el marco [...]
Production system:

Sustainable Crop Production Intensification in the Senegal and Niger River Basins of Francophone West Africa

Documents clés sur les CEP

2011 - International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability - William Settle and Mohamed Hama Garba
This paper reports on how the farmer field school (FFS) approach has been used to successfully catalyse important changes among stakeholders in the savannah zones of West Africa. Improved agronomic practices, better decision-making skills and diversification of smallholder farms in developing countries are shown to provide farmers the opportunity to [...]
Production system: Culture, Céréales, Légumes et melons

Conservation Agriculture (CA) in Tanzania: the Case of the Mwangaza B CA Farmer Field School (FFS), Rhotia village, Karatu district, Arusha

Étude de cas

2011 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Marietha Z. Owenya, Wilfred L. Mariki, Josef Kienzle, Theodor Friedrich and Amir Kassam
Production system: Céréales, Légumineux
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