Plateforme mondiale des Champs-Écoles des Producteurs
Number of documents: 102

The power to exercise choice: implementing farmers’rights to eradicate poverty and adapt to climate change. Briefing note

Documents techniques de référence

2017 - Oxfam -
The SD=HS program aims to realize Farmers’ Rights by empowering indigenous peoples and smallholder farmers to uphold their role in contributing to food security and strengthening their adaptive capacities. This report describes the main tools and achievements so far. Farmer field schools are one key tool. They facilitate farmers in [...]
Production system:

Champ école paysan, une approche participative pour l'amélioration du rendement du niébé: résultats d’experiences pilotes conduites dans les régions de Maradi et Zinder au Niger

Étude d'impact

2017 - Agronomie Africaine - M.M. Rabe, I.B. Baoua, L. Sitou, L. Amadou
En vue de favoriser les interactions entre groupes de producteurs pour résoudre les problèmes de production et diffuser les technologies éprouvées, en culture du niébé, trente champs écoles ont été mis en place de 2013 à [...]
Production system: Légumineux

Facilitators’ Field Guide for Farmer Field Schools on Participatory Plant Breeding in Maize, Pearl Millet, Sorghum and Groundnut

Matériel de formation

2016 - Community Technology Development Trust (CTDT) - Damaso Callo Jr., Bert Visser, Rene Salazar, Gigi Manicad
The Facilitators’ Field Guide for Farmer Field Schools on Participatory Plant Breeding in Maize, Pearl Millet, Sorghum and Groundnut aims to assist facilitators in conducting farmer field school (FFS) sessions on participatory plant breeding (PPB) in their respective communities. In this context, participatory plant breeding should be understood in a [...]
Production system: Céréales

Organic Production and IPM Guide for Cucumbers and Squash

Matériel de formation

2016 - New York State Integrated Pest Management Program -
This guide for organic production of pickling cucumbers and butternut squash provides an outline of cultural and pest management practices and includes topics that have an impact on improving plant health and reducing pest problems. It is divided into sections, but the interrelated quality of organic cropping systems makes each [...]
Production system: Culture

Guía del Manejo Integrado de Plagas (MIP) para técnicos y productores

Matériel de formation

2016 - JICA - Rutz, Donald A., and J. Keith Waldron
En esta guía, se explica sobre el concepto de MIP, varias medidas de control, y otras informaciones útiles. Espero que los extensionistas y productores hagan observación lo más frecuente posible.
Production system: Céréales, Légumes et melons, Légumineux

Report of the Knowledge exchange on the promotion of efficient rice farming practices, Farmer Field School curriculum development and value chains

Documents techniques de référence

2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
A total of 33 participants (10 women) participated in the Regional Rice Initiative – Workshop cum Study Tour on knowledge exchange on Farmer Field School curriculum development for promotion of efficient rice farming practices and value chains. Field visits were made to Sleman (Rice-Fish farming and “jajar legowo”) and Boyalali [...]
Production system: Céréales, Aquaculture, Pêche

Save and Grow: Minimum Tillage Potato IPM in Rice-Based Cropping Systems in Vietnam.

Étude de cas

2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Yuriko SHOJI FAO, Jan Willem KETELAAR
Production system: Céréales, Racines et tubercules

Effectiveness of Farmer Field School for Soil and Crop Management

Étude d'impact

2015 - International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) - D. Roya, M. G. Farouqueb , M. Z. Rahmanc
The purposes of the study were to investigate the effectiveness of Farmer Field School (FFS) for soil and crop management as perceived by the FFS farmers and to explore the relationships of the selected characteristics of the FFS farmers with their perceived effectiveness. Data were collected from 100 FFS farmers [...]
Production system: Culture

Farmer Field Schools and Empowerment - Community Empowerment, social inclusion and Gender Equality Experience from Jordan and Tunisia

Documents techniques de référence

2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Lucie Chocholata, Manuela Allara, Alfredo Impiglia and Elisabetta Tagliati
Production system:

Module: Aquaculture, Junior Farmer Field and Life School - Facilitator's guide

Matériel de formation

2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) -
At the end of the module participants will: ● be aware of the various types of aquaculture; ● value aquaculture as a means of livelihood diversification and as a business opportunity; ● understand the importance of careful planning.
Production system: Aquaculture