Plateforme mondiale des Champs-Écoles des Producteurs
Number of documents: 559

Farmer Knowledge as an Early Indicator of IPM Adoption: a Case Study from Cocoa Farmer Field Schools in Ghana

Étude de cas

2011 - Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa - Soniia David and Christopher Asamoah
Production system: Stimulants et épices

Training and Visit (T&V) Extension vs. Farmer Field School: the Indonesian Experience

Documents techniques de référence

2011 - The Australian National University - Budy P. Resosudarmo, Satoshi Yamazaki
This paper aims to discuss and compare the effectiveness of these two programs (The Training and Visit (T&V) Extension Program and the Farmer Field School -FFS-Program) with reference to rice production in Indonesia. The findings suggest that, for regions where the level of development is still very low, implementing a [...]
Production system:

Diseño y aplicación de la metodologia ECA con enfoque de género y lengua en el departamento de Potosí - Bolivia (ECAMUQ)

Étude de cas

2011 - Universidad Politecnica de Madrid - Escuela Tecnica Superior de Ingenieros Agrónomos - Marina Aldapi Herrera
Investigación doctoral que tiene el propósito de generar el diseno y la aplicación de la metodología de las Escuelas de Campo de Agricultores (ECA) con enfoque de género y lengua (ECAMUQ).
Production system:

The Empowerment Route to Well-Being: an Analysis of Farmer Field Schools in East Africa

Documents clés sur les CEP

2011 - World Development - Esbern Friis-Hansen, Deborah Duveskog
The study explores empowerment and well-being related outcomes of Farmer Field Schools (FFS), an extension approach that has gained popularity with agriculture development programs in many African countries. This is done by examining the empirical relationships between FFS participation and increased well-being; as well as FFS participation and empowerment; and [...]
Production system:

Experiencia de investigación agrícola para el desarrollo. Las escuelas de campo (ECAS):una apuesta innovadora hacia la investigación -acción participativa del Programa Agroambiental Mesoamericano (MAP) en Trifinio

Étude de cas

2011 - Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE) - Isabel Adriana Gutiérrez Montes Danilo Padilla Castillo Gonzalo Galileo Rivas Platero
Production system:

Impact of Farmer Field Schools on Agricultural Income and Skills: Evidence from an Aid-Funded Project in Rural Ethiopia

Étude d'impact

2011 - JICA-Research Institute - Yasuyuki Todo and Ryo Takahashi
This study estimates the effect of farmer field schools in rural Ethiopia on income from agriculture. The farmer field schools were established in association with participatory forest management associations for forest protection funded by Japanese aid. We employ a difference-in-differences propensity score matching approach to correct for possible biases due [...]
Production system: Autres

Fish Farmer Field School: Towards healthier milkfish / shrimp polyculture and fish farmer empowerment in South Sulawesi

Étude de cas

2011 - Aquaculture Asia - Ben Brown and Ratna Fadillah
Sustainable aquaculture in Indonesia through a Fish Farmer Field School.
Production system: Aquaculture, Pêche

Sustainable Land Management in Practice. Guideline and Best Practices for Sub-Saharan Africa. Field Application

Matériel de formation

2011 - TerrAfrica, World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies (WOCAT) and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Hanspeter Liniger, Rima Mekdaschi Studer, Christine Hauert, Mats Gurtner
Production of guidelines for best sustainable land management (SLM) technologies and approaches in SubSaharan Africa (SSA) has been part of TerrAfrica’s programme during 2009-2010. These guidelines and case studies are intended to help create a framework for investment related to SLM in SSA. The particular aim of these guidelines is [...]
Production system:

From Farmers' Field Schools to community IPM. Scaling up the IPM movement

Documents clés sur les CEP

2011 - LEISA Magazine - Russ Dilts
A people-centred IPM movement has grown in Asia since the 1980s, and is now spreading to parts of Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East. During this period, many variants have evolved, and continue to evolve, within the specific natural and operational environments of different countries, cultures, and communities. From [...]
Production system: