Plateforme mondiale des Champs-Écoles des Producteurs
Number of documents: 89

Farmer Field School in Kenya

Matériel audiovisuel

2013 - The Sustainable Trade Initiative - IDH -
IDH reportage about a KTDA Farmer Field School in Kenya.
Production system: Stimulants et épices

Supporting communities in building resilience through Agro-Pastoral Field Schools (APFS)

Étude de cas

2013 - FAO - James Robert Okoth, Winfred Nalyongo, Monica Petri and Thomas Ameny
The ecosystem-based Farmer Field Schools (FFS) approach provides an excellent platform that is flexible and responsive to meeting the requisite tailored skills of the farmers. As pastoralists cover large parts of Africa, are especially vulnerable to food insecurity, climatic changes, and often do not receive specific programmes of education, the [...]
Production system: Culture, Élevage

Innovative Training in Cocoa Agroforestry: the Farmer Field Schools of Nicaragua

Informations sur des projets

2012 - The World Bank - Mary Lisbeth Gonzalez
A regular series of notes highlighting recent lessons emerging from the operational and analytical program of the World Bank‘s Latin America and Caribbean Region (LAC). The World Bank, with the financial support of the Japan Social Development Fund (JSDF), is implementing the Alternative Indigenous and AfroDescendants and Agroforestry Project (COCOA – [...]
Production system: Fruits et noix, Stimulants et épices

Less Noise in the Household: the Impact of Farmer Field Schools on Gender Relations

Étude d'impact

2012 - Journal of Research in Peace, Gender and Development - Esbern Friis-Hansen, Deborah Duveskog and Edward W. Taylor
The study examines the impact of collective action in Kenyan Farmer Field School groups on household gender equity. Qualitative fieldwork reveal significant changes in household division of labour and decision-making; in gendered customs and traditions, and in men’s work ethics and their view of women. To understand how the participatory [...]
Production system:

On-farm Practices for the Safe Use of Wastewater in Urban and Peri-urban Horticulture

Matériel de formation

2012 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Robert Abaidoo, Ben Keraita, James Akatse, Ben Keraita, Modeste Kinane, Collins K. Osei, Javier Mateo-Sagasta, Ines Beernaerts, Sasha Koo-Oshima, Anthony Youdeowei, Marjon Fredrix, Paul Neate, K.G. Ato de GraftJohnson, Paolo Mander, James Morgan, Pay Drec
Production system: Autres

Apropiación y aplicación de conocimientos y habilidades por familias cacaoteras en Bocas del Toro, Panamá. Resultados de las Escuelas de Campo de Proyecto Cacao Centroamérica

Étude de cas

2012 - The Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE) - Juan Ramón Flor Vinces
El cultivo de cacao constituye un rubro de gran importancia social y económica en Centroamérica, siendo una fuente de ingresos para más de 15000 familias. Aún así, en ocasiones la producción de cacao se ve limitada por problemas de manejo que pueden relacionarse con la existencia de pocas oportunidades de capacitación. [...]
Production system: Fruits et noix, Stimulants et épices

Community Mobilization: a Key to Effective Control of Banana Xanthomonas Wilt

Étude d'impact

2012 - Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics - Kubiriba J., Karamura E. B., Jogo, W., Tushemereirwe W. K. and Tinzaara W.
Banana xanthomonas wilt (BXW) remains a major threat to banana, an important food and income crop for 12 million poor small-holder farmers in Uganda. Although, BXW has been controlled to some extent in parts of South-western Uganda, it is still a big problem in banana growing areas of Central and [...]
Production system: Fruits et noix

Global Farmer field school review challenges FFS programmes

Étude d'impact

2012 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - John Pontius
Global FFS review 2012
Production system:

Farmer field schools on Integrated Pest Management programme; a new extension approach in Jordan

Documents techniques de référence

2012 - Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR) - Ashraf Alhawamdeh
Short overview of FFS partners and impacts in Jordan.
Production system:

Evaluation of the Farmer Field School Approach in the Agriculture sector programme support - Phase II

Étude d'impact

2011 - DANIDA - Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Denmark -
The main purpose of this Evaluation was to analyse and to document – in a gender perspective – the results and the lessons learned from using the Farmer Field School (FFS) approach in the Agriculture Sector Programme Support Phase II (ASPS II) in Bangladesh. The Government of Bangladesh (GOB) and the [...]
Production system:
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