Plateforme mondiale des Champs-Écoles des Producteurs
Number of documents: 538

Socio-economic impact of a cocoa integrated crop and pest management diffusion knowledge through a farmer field school approach in Southern Cameroon

Étude d'impact

2006 - International Association of Agricultural Economists Conference - Njankoua Wandji Dieu ne dorta ; Lapbim Nkeh Juliusa ; James Jim Gockowskia and Tchouamo Isaacb
We focused on the Socio-Economic Evaluation of Farmer Field School Training on Integrated Pest Management in the humid forest region of Cameroon. The main objective was to assess the impact of training on integrated pest management (IPM) on cocoa farmer field school graduates. The results indicate that shade management, phytosanitary harvest, [...]
Production system: Fruits et noix, Stimulants et épices

Junior Farmer Field Life Schools in Namibia

Étude de cas

2006 - Emergency Nutrition Network (ENN) - Kiwan W. Cato
The document revises the implementation of Junior Farmer Field Life Schools (JFFSLS) in Namibia, its challenges and lessons learned.
Production system:

A Market Facilitator’s Guide to Participatory Agroenterprise Development

Matériel de formation

2006 - Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) - Ferris, S., E. Kaganzi, R. Best, C. Ostertag, M. Lundy and T. Wandschneider
This Market Facilitator’s Guide is a product of the experiences and lessons learned while implementing agroenterprise projects in eastern and southern Africa. The Guide is based on a resource-to-consumption framework, which is the central theme of the “enabling rural innovation” (ERI) approach for rural development. This approach seeks to empower [...]
Production system:

A Global Survey and Review of Farmer Field School Experiences

Documents clés sur les CEP

2006 - ILRI - Arnoud Braun, Janice Jiggins, Niels Röling, Henk van den Berg and Paul Snijders
Production system:

Background Reading Materials and Selected Session Guides on Roots

Documents techniques de référence

2006 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Abha Mishra and Mario Corado
Production system: Racines et tubercules

First Regional meeting Report: Expansion of Farmer Field School Programme in Eastern and Southern Africa

Informations sur des projets

2006 - GCP/RAF/399/IFA -
This report describes the 1st Regional meeting of the Expansion of Farmer Field School Programme in Eastern and Southern Africa Project held in Kakamega, Western Kenya from 13-17 November 2006. The meeting was organised into three main parts 1) Country presentations and discussions, 2) Field visit to FFS groups and [...]
Production system:

Ressource Manual on Integrated Production and Pest Management (IPPM) in Vegetables

Matériel de formation

2005 - World Education (INGO) Philippines, Inc. - World Education (INGO) Philippines, Inc.
Production system: Légumes et melons

Acute Pesticide Poisoning Among Female and Male Cotton Growers in India

Étude d'impact

2005 - Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health - Francesca Mancini, Ariena H. C. Van Bruggen, Janice L.S. Jiggins, Arun C. Ambatipudi & Helen Murphy
A season-long assessment of acute pesticide poisoning among farmers was conducted in three villages in India. Fifty female cotton growers reported the adverse effects experienced after exposures to pesticides by themselves and by their male relatives (n = 47). The study documented the serious consequences of pesticide use for the [...]
Production system: Culture, Autres