Plateforme mondiale des Champs-Écoles des Producteurs
Number of documents: 558

Strengthening social capital in agricultural and natural resources innovation systems: community IPM Farmer field schools (FFS) in Nepal

Étude de cas

2002 - . - Annemarie Westendorp and Stephen Biggs
This paper uses an innovations systems framework to analyze the ways social capital in the overall agricultural and natural resources innovation system in Nepal has increased far beyond what was originally expected in the project proposal.
Production system:

Development of Farm Field School methodology for small-holder dairy farmers in Kenya

Matériel de formation

2002 - International Livestock Research Institute - Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Kenya - B. Minjauw , H.G. Muriuki, D. Romney
Paper for International FFS Workshop about the implementation of dairy farmers FFS in Kenya
Production system: Élevage, Gros ruminants

Ten years of IPM Training in Asia from Farmer Field School to Community IPM

Documents clés sur les CEP

2002 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - John Pontius, Russell Dilts, Andrew Bartlett
Production system:

Guía metodológica para la implementación de Escuelas de Campo de Agricultores (ECAs)

Matériel de formation

2002 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Never Baras, Carlos Cerna Yrigoin, Lucio Cotrina Jonde, Julio Cesar Leon Chavez, Jesus Gonzalez, Kim Groeneweg, Easu Salazar Guerra, Jose Tenorio Mora, Cesar Valencia Cabrera
Esta guía enfatiza la parte metodológica en la implementación de una ECA, desde la selección de localidades y participantes, formación, desarrollo, evaluación, clausura y seguimiento. Basada en experiencias y recomendaciones que el personal del Proyecto GCP/PER/036/NET: "Manejo Integrado de Plagas en los Principales Cultivos Alimenticios en el Perú" tuvo en [...]
Production system:

Farmer Field Schools and the Future of Agricultural Extension in Africa

Documents techniques de référence

2002 - Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education - Brent M. Simpson, Michelle Owens
The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the introduction of the FFS approach to Africa and, through use of case study material, to highlight some of the successes achieved and difficulties encountered in the expanding use of the approach. Following a brief look at some of [...]
Production system:

Guía para facilitar el desarrollo de Escuelas de Campo de Agricultores - Manejo integrado de las principales enfermedades e insectos de la papa - Caso San Miguel, Cajamarca, Perú

Matériel de formation

2002 - CIP-CARE - Mario Bazán (CARE), Reneé Castillo (CARE), Cristina Fonseca (CIP), Aziz Lagnaoui (CIP), Julio César León (CARE), Willmar León (CARE), Víctor León (CARE), Rebecca Nelson (CIP), Ricardo Orrego (CIP), Oscar Ortiz (CIP), María Palacios (CIP), Esaú Salazar (CA
Production system: Racines et tubercules

Do Farmer Field School graduates retain and share what they learn?: an investigation in Iloilo, Philippines

Étude de cas

2002 - Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education - Agnes C. Rola, Serlie B. Jamias, Jaime B. Quizon
The farmer field school (FFS) is a season long training of farmers involving participatory activities, hands-on analysis and decision making. Because it requires significant investments in time, trainers and other facilities, the approach can be an expensive way of diffusing new science-based knowledge and other information to farmers. However, if [...]
Production system: Céréales

Towards a holistic Farmer Field School approach for East Africa

Documents techniques de référence

2002 - LEISA Magazine - James Robert Okoth, Godrick Khisa and Julianus Thomas
The Farmer Field School (FFS) experiential learning and selfhelp development approach has become very successful in Southeast Asia in improving irrigated rice production, even beyond Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for which it was initially designed (see LEISA Magazine Vol 17, No 3, pp 18-20). The approach is now also being used [...]
Production system:

Supporting the demand for change: recent project experience with farmer learning grants in Kenya

Étude de cas

2002 - Agriculture and Rural Development (ARD) - Daniel J. Gustafson
This article was prepared for the workshop entitled “Extension and Rural Development: A Convergence of Views on International Approaches?”, held November 12-15, 2002 in Washington, DC. It compares FFS approach and the Agricultural Technology Information and Response Initiative (ATIRI) of the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI) in Kenya, focusing [...]
Production system: