Plateforme mondiale des Champs-Écoles des Producteurs
Number of documents: 538

Report of the training of trainers course on Farmer Field School methodology for KARI’s soil management and legume research network project

Matériel de formation

2001 - Held at Egerton University - MWERI B.A.M., C.D.A.; KHISA S. GODRICK
The week long Training of Trainers (TOT) course on Farmer Field Schools (FFS) held at CMRT, Egerton University for sixty five researchers, extensionists and farmers was made possible through the sponsorship of the Rockefeller Foundation (RF), that has supported Soil Management Project (SMP) and Legume Research Network Project (LRNP) of [...]
Production system: Légumineux

Facilitating Scientific Method as Follow-Up for FFS Graduates

Matériel de formation

2001 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Henk Van Den Berg
This manual is meant for those involved in facilitating farmer studies to farmer field school graduates. The tools and principles provided here improve planning and analysis of field studies and prepare trainers to facilitate scientific method to farmers. The manual is for study by individual trainers or for discussion at [...]
Production system:

Strategies for addressing gender issues through aquaculture programs: approaches by CARE Bangladesh

Étude de cas

2001 - Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR) of CARE Bangladesh - K.S. Debashish, M. Shirin, F. Zaman, M. Ireland, G. Chapman and M.C. Nandeesha
The Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR) sector of CARE is exploring new ways to enhance women's participation and to empower them through aquaculture programs. Farmer field schools, participatory monitoring and evaluation, children's participation initiatives, family approaches and action research are some of the approaches that have been found to be effective [...]
Production system: Aquaculture, Pêche

Working with resource-poor farmers to manage plant diseases

Étude de cas

2001 - Plant Disease - The American Phytopathological Society - Rebecca Nelson, Christopher Mundt, Ricardo Orego, Oscar Ortiz, Marjon Fredrix, Jose Tenorio and Ngo Vinh Vien
The article presents and compares experiences in working with farmers to manage rice blast and potato late blight. In these cases, farmer groups learned about disease processes and management techniques, and tested promising crop varieties and breeding lines with the support of extension and research organizations
Production system: Céréales, Racines et tubercules

Farmer Self-Surveillance of Pesticide Poisoning Episodes

Étude de cas

2001 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Report on one month pilot that covers pesticide poisoning and proposes a self-surveillance initiative to prevent it.
Production system:

Improving local cultivation of soybean in Indonesia through farmers' experiments

Étude d'impact

2001 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Programme for Community IPM in Asia - H. Van den Berg and A. S. Lestari
The results of 86 replicated experiments on soybean (Glycine max) cultivation practices in eight provinces ± planned, conducted and analysed by farmers ± were examined to identify local differences in the effects of cultural practices on yield, and to explore the potential for farmers to improve their practices. Plant spacing [...]
Production system: Légumineux

Field Guide on Peanuts

Matériel de formation

2000 - Vietnam National IPM Programme - Alma Linda C. Morales Abubakar
From discussions with farmer groups that attended a Farmer Field School we learned that in many cases the groups are interested in continuing activities and studies. One of the areas that farmer groups are interested to study more is peanuts. In this field guide field studies and special topics on [...]
Production system: Fruits et noix

Cabbage Integrated Pest Management : an Ecological Guide

Matériel de formation

2000 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Frederike Praasterink, Jan Willem Ketelaar
The ecological guides are technical reference manuals. They give background information and refer to exercises/studies that can be done in the field during training of trainers (TOT), farmers field schools (FFS) and action research to better understand a topic. The information in the guides is not specific for one country. [...]
Production system: Légumes et melons

Tomato Integrated Pest Management : an Ecological Guide

Matériel de formation

2000 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Frederike Praasterink, Jan Ketelaar
The ecological guides are technical reference manuals. They give background information and refer to exercises/studies that can be done in the field during training of trainers (TOT), farmers field schools (FFS) and action research to better understand a topic. The information in the guides is not specific for one country. [...]
Production system: Légumes et melons

Guidelines and reference material on integrated soil and nutrient management and conservation for Farmer Field Schools

Matériel de formation

2000 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) -
These Guidelines, of global nature, are aimed at developing and implementing FFS for better management and conservation practices on ISNM, with a view to sustaining the natural resource base (mainly soil and plant nutrients) and enhancing productivity and income of small-scale farmers. These guidelines provide a basic conceptual framework and [...]
Production system: