Plateforme mondiale des Champs-Écoles des Producteurs
Number of documents: 117


Matériel de formation

2011 - FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Ce guide destiné aux riziculteurs a pour objectif de les fournir les bases sur l’exécution technique de la gestion intégrée de la production du riz. IL comprend des thèmes relatifs aux activités à mener L’objectif de la formation est de renforcer les compétences techniques et méthodologiques des producteurs de riz en gestion intégrée [...]
Production system: Culture


Matériel de formation

2011 - FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Ce module a pour objectif d’approfondir les connaissances des riziculteurs sur la gestion et les types de sols en riziculture pluviale Au terme de ce module, les riziculteurs seront capables de: - Connaître les différents types de sol en riziculture pluviale - choisir les sols adaptés à la riziculture pluviale - préserver la fertilité du [...]
Production system: Culture

Impact of Farmer Field Schools on Agricultural Productivity and Poverty in East Africa

Étude d'impact

2010 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) - K. Davis, E. Nkonya, E. Kato, D.A. Mekonnen, M. Odendo, R. Miiro
The study found that younger farmers who belong to other groups, such as savings and credit groups, tended to participate in field schools. Females made up 50 percent of FFS membership. Reasons for not joining an FFS included lack of time and information. FFSs were shown to be especially beneficial [...]
Production system:

Scaling up adoption and impact of agroforestry technologies: experiences from western Kenya

Étude d'impact

2010 - Development in practice - Qureish Noordin , Amadou Niang , Bashir Jama & Mary Nyasimi
This paper describes and highlights lessons learned from several research and development organisations in western Kenya using different community-based approaches to scale up agroforestry and other biological options to improve soil fertility among resource- poor smallholders. The main benefits of such approaches are that the link between farmers, government extension, [...]
Production system:

Training manual on the Herder Field School: Improving livestock and protecting human health and the environment

Matériel de formation

2010 - Livestock Training Institute, Ifakara Health Institute and Wageningen University - Leo Mzeru, Robert Sumaye, Henk van den Berg
This is a training manual developed to improve the situation of pastoralist communities in the Kilombero Valley, Tanzania. The exercises are focused on the priority problems identified among pastoralist communities in Kilombero and Ulanga Districts, but these problems are not necessarily the same in other districts. It is hoped that [...]
Production system: Gros ruminants, Petits ruminants

Assessing the Impact of Farmer Field School Participation on IPM Adoption in Uganda

Étude d'impact

2010 - Journal of International Agricultural and Extension system - J. Mark Erbaugh, Joseph Donnermeyer, Magdalene Amujal, Michael Kidoido
This study assesses the impact of cowpea-specific IPM FFS on IPM knowledge and the theoretical link between increased knowledge on the adoption of IPM strategies. The assessment was conducted to evaluate the impact of IPM FFS on adoption of IPM strategies. Comparison groups consisting of FFS participants and non participants [...]
Production system: Légumineux

Integrating meteorological and indigenous knowledge-based seasonal climate forecasts for the agricultural sector. Lessons from participatory action research in Sub-Saharan Africa

Documents techniques de référence

2010 - International Development Research Centre (IDRC) - G. Ziervogel, A. Opere
Climate information is available from two main sources: meteorological seasonal climate forecasts (SCFs) and indigenous knowledge-based seasonal forecasts (IKFs). This information can help farmers and pastoralists manage their crops and livestock to minimize risks during unfavourable seasons and maximize opportunities during favourable conditions. However, exploring the synergies between these two sources of [...]
Production system:

Assessing the Impact of Farmer Field School participation on IPPM adoption in Uganda

Étude d'impact

2010 - Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education (AIAEE) - J. Mark Erbaugh, Joseph Donnermeyer, Magdalene Amujal, Michael Kidoido
The Integrated Pest Management Collaborative Research Support Program (IPM CRSP) has been implementing IPM farmer field schools (FFS) with small scale farmers in Eastern Uganda since 2001. This study assesses the impact of cowpea-specific IPM FFS on IPM knowledge and the theoretical link between increased knowledge on the adoption of [...]
Production system: Légumineux

Technical Manual Farmer Field School Approach

Matériel de formation

2010 - Sustainable Agriculture Information Initiative - Sustainet EA
SUSTAINET EA as a regional Network operating in Eastern Africa endeavours to bridge the information gap on Sustainable Agriculture to reach smallholder farmers through publication of simplified technical manuals on good agricultural practices.
Production system:

Farmer Field Schools: from nobodys to role models

Plaidoyer et politiques publiques

2010 - Rural Focus 21 - Godrick Simiyu Khisa
The Farmer Field School (FFS) approach was fi rst introduced in Kenya in 1995 through a project of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in Western Kenya. Since then, several projects have been successfully implemented in the country using various different entry points.
Production system: