Plateforme mondiale des Champs-Écoles des Producteurs
Number of documents: 112

Fertile ground? Soil fertility management and the African smallholder

Documents techniques de référence

2007 - Wageningen University - Michael Misiko
The focus in this thesis is to form a view of how well soil fertility research performs within the ever shifting smallholder contexts. This study examined application of agroecological knowledge for soil fertility management by smallholder farmers, with the view to enhancing the utility of research among resource-deprived farmers of western Kenya. [...]
Production system:

Practice makes perfect - participatory innovation in soil fertility management to improve rural livelihoods in East Africa

Documents techniques de référence

2007 - Wageningen University - Andre de Jager
This article focuses on the context of the Millenium development goals (MDG) and improving and maintaining soil fertility in Africa.
Production system:

Regional institutionalization and scaling up of farmer study group (FSG) activities phase 2 - institutional analysis

Documents techniques de référence

2007 - Danish agricultural Advisory Services & Danish Institute for International Studies - Esbern Friis-Hansen and Sanne Chipeta
An initiative to scale up and institutionalise farmer driven study groups in Eastern and Southern Africa, with a particular focus on commercialisation and market access
Production system:

Sharing seed and knowledge: farmer to farmer dissemination of agroforestry technologies in western Kenya

Documents techniques de référence

2006 - Agroforestry Systems - Evelyne Kiptot, Steven Franzel, Paul Hebinck, Paul Richards
This study was undertaken to identify farm and farmer characteristics that may influence dissemination of seed and knowledge of improved fallows and biomass transfer, to whom, how and what is disseminated. This was done by carrying out a formal and informal survey involving a random sample of 120 farmers from [...]
Production system:

Improving soil fertility and farm productivity under intensive crop-dairy smallholdings: experiences from Farmer Field Schools in the highlands of Kiambu district, Central Kenya

Étude de cas

2006 - Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research - D.D. Onduru, A. De Jager, B. Wouters, F.N. Muchena, L. Gachimbi and G.N. Gachini
A study to improve soil fertility and farm productivity under intensive crop-dairy smallholder farming systems was carried out in Kiambu District, central Kenya highlands in the period 2003-2005 using farmer field school approach.
Production system: Culture, Élevage, Pâturage/arbres fourragers, Gros ruminants

The emergence of Farmer Field Schools networks in Eastern Africa

Documents techniques de référence

2006 - International Food Policy Research Institute - James Okoth, Arnoud Braun, Robert Delve, Habakkuk Khamaala, Godrick Khisa, and Julianus Thomas
The first Farmer Field School (FFS) Networks emerged in Western Kenya during 2000 as a result of exchange visits and communication between farmers, facilitators, trainers and project staff. Similar networks have subsequently emerged elsewhere in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. These FFS Networks were formed by farmers who graduated from an [...]
Production system:

Farmer Field Schools on land and water management in Africa

Documents techniques de référence

2006 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) -
Proceedings of an international workshop in Jinja, Uganda, 24–29 April 2006. This publication is the coordinated work of the Land and Water Division of FAO, the Agricultural Economics Institute of Wageningen Agricultural University and Research Centre (LEI/WUR), Environment Alert, and other partners. It was produced as part of FAO’s Land and [...]
Production system:

Impact Assessment of Livestock Farmer Field Schools in Nakuru and Nyandarua Districts, Kenya

Étude d'impact

2006 - International Livestock Research Institute - Andy Catley, Omeno Suji, Bokoo Omwansa
This study was an impact assessment of livestock farmer field schools (FFS) in smallholder dairy areas of Nakuru and Nyandarua Districts, Kenya. The study focussed on five main issues viz. effectiveness, sustainability, farmer preferences, and relationships and behaviour, and used a doubleblind approach involving comparison of different sources of livestock [...]
Production system: Élevage, Gros ruminants

A Market Facilitator’s Guide to Participatory Agroenterprise Development

Matériel de formation

2006 - Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) - Ferris, S., E. Kaganzi, R. Best, C. Ostertag, M. Lundy and T. Wandschneider
This Market Facilitator’s Guide is a product of the experiences and lessons learned while implementing agroenterprise projects in eastern and southern Africa. The Guide is based on a resource-to-consumption framework, which is the central theme of the “enabling rural innovation” (ERI) approach for rural development. This approach seeks to empower [...]
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