Глобальная платформа фермерских полевых школ
Number of documents: 561

Zanzibar: back to (Farmer Field) School

Audiovisual material

2014 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) -
More than 22,000 farmers on the islands of Zanzibar and Pemba, off the Tanzanian coast, have gone back to school. Although they have farmed for generations, they have decided to learn how to farm. Their productivity has increased so much, that the local Government has made these Farmer Field Schools [...]
Production system: Crops, Livestock

The system of crop intensification: reports from the field on improving agricultural production, food security, and resilience to climate change for multiple crops

Impact assessment

2014 - Agriculture & Food Security - Binju Abraham, Hailu Araya, Tareke Berhe, Sue Edwards, Biksham Gujja, Ram Bahadur Khadka, Yang S Koma, Debashish Sen, Asif Sharif, Erika Styger, Norman Uphoff and Anil Verma
This review article reports on the productivity and other impacts being observed for many different crops in half a dozen countries for increasing food crop yields with lower cost and input requirements as well as more resilience to adverse effects of climate change. It also reports on mechanization innovations that [...]
Production system: Cereals, Vegetables and Melons, Oilseed crops, Legumes

GIPD: Témoignages de Producteurs 1

Audiovisual material

2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)/GIPD -
Programme sous-régional de "Gestion Intégrée de la Production et des Déprédateurs" (GIPD). "With COQUA (COmmercialization and QUAlity) module of IPM, I manage well the marketing of my onion production in the local market. In addition to that I feel that I have a perfect mastering of my production and my agricultural [...]
Production system:

GIPD: Témoignages de Producteurs 2

Audiovisual material

2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)/GIPD -
L'usage abusif des pesticides est nocif pour la santé et l'environnement. Nombres de producteurs en sont persuadés, mais comment les éviter?
Production system:

GIPD: Témoignages de Producteurs 3

Audiovisual material

2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)/GIPD -
En plus du renforcement de capacités techniques, la GIPD a favorisé la mise en place d'une organisation des producteurs au Sénégal. L'Union des producteurs maraichers GIPD (UPM-GIPD), assure une bonne diffusion de l'approche et appuie ses membres dans la fourniture en intrants et la commercialisation de la production.
Production system:

Reducing Pesticide Risks to Farming Communities: Cotton Farmer Field Schools in Mali

Impact assessment

2014 - The Royal Society publishing - William Settle, Mohamed Soumare´, Makhfousse Sarr, Mohamed Hama Garba and Anne-Sophie Poisot
We provide results from a study of two separate sectors within the cottongrowing region of southern Mali. In one sector, farmers have engaged in a farmer field school (FFS) training programme since 2003—the other not. One goal of the training was the adoption of alternatives to the use of hazardous insecticides, through integrated [...]
Production system: Crops, Others

Farmer Field Schools in Andra Pradesh (India)

Audiovisual material

2014 - A.P. Rangers, Digital Green -
Farmer Field School(FFS) is an innovative initiative by Society for Elimination of Rural Poverty(SERP) - Community Managed Sustainable Agriculture (CMSA) to strengthen community participation in addressing farming problems of small and medium scale farmers. The local Village Activist and Cluster Activist organize Farmer Field School at a farmer's field. Prior [...]
Production system:

Agricultural, Economic, and Environmental Performance of Four Farmer Field Schools in Kenya

Impact assessment

2014 - . - C.L. van Beek, A. de Jager, D.D. Onduru, L.N. Gachimbi
Agricultural and economic data were collected from 4 farmer field schools (FFSs), divided over 2 districts in Kenya (Mbeere and Kiambu), during one growing season (March – August 2002). The FFSs in the Mbeere district were characterized by poor soil conditions and low rainfall, and falls within semi-arid areas. Contrarily, the [...]
Production system: Crops, Livestock

Farmer Field Schools for Improving Farming Practices and Farmer Outcomes: a Systematic Review

Key documents on FFS

2014 - Campbell Systematic Reviews - Hugh Waddington, Birte Snilstveit, Jorge Hombrados, Martina Vojtkova, Daniel Phillips, Philip Davies, Howard White
Farmer field schools (FFS) are a common approach used to transfer specialist knowledge, promote skills and empower farmers around the world. At least 10 million farmers in 90 countries have attended such schools. We conducted a systematic review of evidence on FFS implementation to investigate whether FFS make a difference, to [...]
Production system:

Manual of seaweed production and field guide of discovery-based exercises for Farmer Field Schools

Training material

2014 - Peace and Equity Foundation (PEF); Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) -
This manual-field guide is a compilation of recent developments, current practices, and success accounts in implementing integrated cultural management on seaweed production. We involved as many stakeholders as was possible in collating and compiling these notable achievements for use by seaweed farmers and other seaweed production practitioners. Thus, this manual-field [...]
Production system: Aquaculture, Fisheries