Number of documents: 540

Grounding Agricultural Research in Resource-Poor Farmers' Needs: a Comparative Analysis of Diagnostic Studies in Ghana and Benin

Technical background material

2004 - NJAS - Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences - E.S. Nederlof, R. Tossou, O. Sakyi-Oawson and O.K. Kossou
Eight researchers from Ghana and Benin, with different backgrounds but all co-operating within the Convergence of Sciences project, conducted diagnostic studies as a first step of their research aimed at developing technologies together with resource-poor farmers. The purpose of including diagnostic studies was to increase the likelihood that the resulting [...]
Production system:

Capacitación e investigación participativa para el manejo integrado de la marchitez bacteriana de la papa

Training material

2004 - CIP- PROINPA- DFID; Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP) - Sylvie Priou, Oscar Barea, Hermeregildo Equise, Pedro Aley
Manual con información validada en Perú y Bolivia sobre la marchitez bacteriana de la papa (MB). Esta guía intenta ser una herramienta flexible para ser usada como recurso para facilitadores de ECAs o de CIALs, o para profesionales de campo que requieran capacitar a agricultores o experimentar con ellos de [...]
Production system: Root/Tuber crops

Linking Science and Farmers' innovative capacity: diagnostic studies from Ghana and Benin

Technical background material

2004 - NJAS - Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences - N.G. Rolingl, D. Hounkonnou, S.K. Offei, R. Tossou and A. Van Huisa
The article is an introduction to a series of articles about diagnostic studies carried out by eight PhD students in Ghana and Benin. These studies form a prelude to their experimental action research with groups of farmers to develop technologies that work in local conditions and are acceptable to farmers. A [...]
Production system:

Impact assessment of Farmer Field Schools in Cajamarca, Perú: an Economic Evaluation

Impact assessment

2004 - International Potato Center (CIP) - Regula Züger
Economic evaluation of the Farmer Field Schools (FFSs) in the Cajamarca Department (Peru) was undertaken to help determine whether agricultural extension via FFSs can contribute to poverty alleviation. Farmer Field Schools involving a number of important crops have already been evaluated at other sites around the world. These studies reported [...]
Production system: Root/Tuber crops

Impact of Farmer Field Schools on adoption of soil water and nutrient management technologies in dry areas of Zimbabwe

Impact assessment

2004 - International crop research Institute for the semi-arid Tropics (ICRISAT - International Crop Research Institute for the semi-arid tropics) - Rusike, J and Masendeke, D and Twomlow, S J and Heinrich, G M
Agricultural extension systems in sub-Saharan Africa are increasingly using participatory approaches to improve technology adoption by smallholder farmers. This approach has been successful particularly in low-rainfall areas, where adoption is traditionally slow. Crop productivity, farm incomes and food security have improved as a result. ICRISAT worked with Zimbabwe’s Department of [...]
Production system:

IPM Farmer Field Schools: a synthesis of 25 impact evaluations

Key documents on FFS

2004 - FAO - Henk van den Berg
Production system:

Farmer Field Research: An Analysis of experiences in Indonesia

Case study

2004 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Regional Office of Asia and the Pacific - Henkvan den Berg, Peter A.C. Doi, Arief L. Hakim, Hartjahjo Ariawan and Widyastama Cahyana
This publication examines five cases of farmer field research in Indonesia.
Production system:

Fishery based food security field schools: Bondo district, Lake Victoria, Kenya

Case study

2004 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Devin M. Bartley, Beatrice Nyandat, Deborah Duveskog
Fisheries and aquaculture integrating Food security field schools (FSFS) in Kenya.
Production system: Aquaculture, Fisheries

Curriculum for Farmers Field School on local chicken production (egg to egg programme)

Training material

2004 - Danida ASP - Khisa S. Godrick
The broad objective of the local chicken FFS is to improve income and household food security in the smallholders farming system.
Production system: Poultry