منصة مدارس المزارعين الحقلية العالمية

Institutionalizing FFS in Kenya: a policy discussion sharing event


The challenge of food insecurity in Kenia is compounded by limited financing to the agricultural sector, erratic weather patterns and a weak space for effective extension. With few blueprint technologies, primary producers have limited capacity to solve their own problems. Livelihood challenges related to agriculture have correspondingly affected gender, power relations, culture and economic well-being of the farming households.

 Following the devolving of agricultural extension services, a number of county governments having included and budgeted for field schools in their county work plans. The increased demand and achievement for institutionalization is evident in a number of Government implemented projects/programmes

 In response to this demand, the Eastern Africa Field School Hub (EAFS Hub), in collaboration with FAO, organized on December 21st a field schools policy sharing event to  support the institutionalization of the Field Schools approach at the national and devolved levels of government in Kenya, as well as to share lessons with other Eastern African Countries. The event, in compliance with the Kenya’s Ministry of Health protocols on COVID-19 hosted around 20 participants in a physical meeting, while 100 participants participated via a virtual platform.

 The main points of discussion of the policy sharing event were the following:.

  • There is need for continued policy support in the development of extension frame work, strategies and guidelines ( budget ,Human resources  , contradictory policies )
  • County Development investments, knowledge sharing programs for Agriculture should be designed with a market orientation for commercialization.
  • There is need for dedicated budget provision at county level to support field schools and a standardized Reporting and monitoring systems from the field schools to the county level for purposes of accountability and best practice sharing.
  • National field schools coordinating unit should be strengthened for effective quality control and accountability.
  • There is need to support middle level colleges to implement FFS training.
  • Anchor field schools in County Integrated Development Programs this will ensure activities are funded right from the county level.

The Eastern Africa FS Hub also used this opportunity  to create awareness on the field schools COVID-19 Toolkit

A draft policy brief will be shortly shared with the FFS community as an output of the sharing workshop, responsive to the current devolution context in Kenya.

For more information on the institutionalization of FFS click here.