منصة مدارس المزارعين الحقلية العالمية

Second Refresher Training of Trainers on Soil Health in Rice-based Farming Systems in the Philippines

Cebu, Philippines, 5-9 June 2017

A Refresher Training of Trainers on Soil Health in Rice-based Farming Systems was held in Cebu City, Philippines on 5-9 June 2017. A total of 25 participants (12 women) participated in the workshop.

The second of a series of workshops, held within context of FAO’s Regional Rice Initiative, aimed at developing the capacity of practitioners and FFS facilitators towards a more comprehensive approach to sustainable management of soils. The training sessions focused on understanding soil health and translating this into the development of a fortified Save and Grow FFS, including soil health related experiments and special topics. Learning exercises on soil composition, organic matter, physical and biological soil properties were developed and priorities identified for inclusion in the FFS curriculum.

Field visits were made to Argao municipality organized by the Department of Agriculture Regional Field Unit VII in collaboration with the Provincial Government of Cebu province to try out these learning exercises with farmers and identify areas for improvement of the soil health-related exercises.

Outputs of the training will be summarized in a document that facilitators can use in implementing FFSs on Save & Grow - focused on the development of sustainable intensification of rice production.

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