Global Farmer Field School Platform

Launch of the FFS Guidance document in Jordan - 22nd of November 2016

22/11/2016 22/11/2016

FAO Jordan will be launching the Farmer Field Schools Guidance Document in collaboration with the Jordan Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), The National Center for Agricultural Research and Extension (NCARE) and FAO Regional Initiative on Small Scale Family Farming in the Near East and North Africa.

The event will gather around 80 participants including HE the Minister of Agriculture, the DG of NCARE, former ministers, university professors, researchers, union representatives, potential donors, NGOs and farmers who will present their experiences with FFS. In addition regional experts from the Near East and North Africa particularly from Egypt, Tunisia and Palestine.

On this occasion, there will be a presentation of the history of FFS in Jordan as well as a video illustrating the FFS experience in the country.

The event is scheduled for the 22nd November 2016 and will be held in Amman. For more information, please contact Alfredo Impiglia, Delivery manager of the Regional Initiative on Small Scale Family Farming and FAO coordinator of the FFS programme in the region.