Plateforme mondiale des Champs-Écoles des Producteurs

Promoting nutrition-sensitive agriculture through Farmer Field Schools (FFS) Experiences

06/12/2021 06/12/2021

The Global FFS Platform, Oxfam Novib and Development in Gardening (DIG) are pleased to invite you to their webinar “Promoting nutrition-sensitive agriculture through Farmer Field Schools (FFS)” next Monday 6th December 2021.

The FFS approach has proved to be an excellent springboard for strengthening the links between nutrition and agricultural production and spreading good dietary and nutritional practices among farmer communities.

This webinar will explore with a panel of discussion experiences gained over the years from 3 organizations in 5 different countries. It will discuss the challenges and opportunities to support and encourage the introduction of nutrition into FFS curricula. The webinar is addressed to all field workers, nutritionists and FFS experts and all interested to improve nutrition security among smallholder producers and their communities through participatory approaches. 

Register now!

Opening remarks

15:30 – 15:40



Anne-Sophie Poisot (FAO)

Panel of discussion

15:40 – 16:40

Burundi – Speciose Ndikumana (FAO)

Senegal – Malamine Ouattara (DIG)– Abdou Badiane (FAO)

Uganda – Charles Opiyo/Joshua Enyetu (Oxfam)

Zambia – Juliet Nangamba/Euckeria Mpande (Oxfam)

Zimbabwe – Hilton Mbozi/John Tigere (Oxfam)


16:40 – 17h20


Closing remarks

17h20 – 17h30