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Regional Rice Initiative (RRI) in the Philippines: Curriculum Development cum Refresher Training of Trainers on Soil Health and Legumes in Rice-based Farming Systems


“The workshop gave participants a clear idea on how to integrate soil health in the curriculum of Farmer Field School on Save and Grow”, said Ms Florecita Pante. She was one of the 36 participants (19 women) who participated in the Curriculum Development cum Refresher Training of Trainers on Soil Health and Legumes in Rice-based Farming Systems held in Cebu, Philippines from 4-9 December 2016. The FAO-HQ-AGP supported workshop was held within context of FAO’s Regional Rice Initiative, linking 2015 International Year of Soils to 2016 International Year of Pulses. More here.

Contacs: Almalinda Abubakar (FAO office RAP) and Debra Turner (FAO Rome expert on soil)