Plateforme mondiale des Champs-Écoles des Producteurs

Farmer Field School Guidance Document – capacity building session

03/03/2017 03/03/2017

 A briefing and capacity building session on the Farmer Field School Guidance Document published in 2016 is planned on the 3rd March in Nairobi at UNON Gigiri, 10-12 am.  This session has been organised in connection with a mission to Kenya by Marjon Fredrix, Agricultural Officer on FFS (FAO Rome) and a visit by Godrick Khisa, one of the first FFS Master Trainers of East Africa active in FFS programming since 1996.

This FFS Guidance Document focuses on the process and critical decisions that are necessary when starting a new FFS (and its adaptations; PFS, APFS etc.) programme, and guides the reader through the essential steps required to establish a solid basis for such programmes, in tune with the specific local conditions. It also defines the essential elements and processes required to ensure programme relevance, quality, growth and sustainability. The document is the result of extensive consultations and review of experiences among a multitude of actors globally. It differs from most of the FFS manuals and guidelines available in that it focuses on providing support to FFS programme managers and formulators, as opposed to FFS field facilitators or trainers, who are the primary target group for most existing manuals.

The document can be downloaded on the following weblink:

The session will provide a summary overview of key elements of the FS guidance document as well as discuss and review opportunities and challenges for quality of Field School implementation in the East Africa region more broadly. A limited number of hard copies of the document will be available for distribution during the event.

FAO staff in Kenya, especially those involved in supervising, managing or implementing FFS related activities or involved in FAO programme formulation more generally are encouraged to attend. A number of external key FFS actors, NGOs and Government counterparts are also invited for the session.

Potential interested parties can contact Bilha Asunda ([email protected]). Non-UN Gigiri-based staff will need to provide confirmation with their full name (as per ID) latest 1st March in order for necessary gate access to be arranged.