Глобальная платформа фермерских полевых школ

Regional training workshop for FFS facilitators on sustainable management of Fall ArmyWorm

28/10/2020 06/11/2020
FAO and Thai Education Foundation is organizing a series of regional webminar on “Sustainable management of Fall Armyworm: IPM, Biocontrol and Farmer Field Schools” during October 29th, November 3rd and November 6th, 2020.  The regional training aims to:  
  • Improve knowledge and skills on Integrated Pest Management for Fall Armyworm;
  • Improve knowledge and skills on biocontrol options for FAW;
  • Get familiar with FAW monitoring tools and protocols, including FAMEWS;
  • Fine-tune the Farmer Field School curricula by integrating FAW IPM and biocontrol, including agroecological approaches;
  • Develop and share national action plans for fortifying refresher training of trainer, farmers field schools and other short hands-on learning courses on FAW.
  • Participants will include governmental agencies, international organizations, civil societies, and academics with priorities are from South, Southeast Asia and South Pacific countries.  
Session 1:  October 29, 2020  13:30 – 16:30 (Bangkok, ICT)
Overview/regional status report of FAW, IPM and Biological Control in Asia
  • FAO FAW Global action plan with focus on Asia, Introduction to FAMEWS, ASEAN FAW Action Plan, Biological control with country case studies from Philippines, India and China.
Session 2: November 3, 2020  13:30 – 16:30 (Bangkok, ICT)
Experiences/innovations from selected Asian countries on FAW-IPM/ Bio control and FFS/Farmers’ research
  • Summary on Status of FAW and national policies;  
  • Selected country and subject matter presentations aimed at sharing innovative R&D and Training/FFS/action research efforts for sustainable FAW management
Session 3: November 6, 2020  13:30 – 16:30 (Bangkok, ICT)
FFS and Training of Trainers curriculum development and future plans  
  • Sharing of available and development of new training materials on FAW; Digital training technologies and integration in farmer training plans; Development and sharing of national FFS/training action plans for FAW and exploring future development needs. 

For more details please contact: [email protected]