Глобальная платформа фермерских полевых школ

Farmer field schools and Dimitra Clubs: A win-win methodological alliance for people-centered development

14/12/2020 14/12/2020

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Participatory and people-centered approaches are key for sustainable rural development and inclusive rural transformation. FAO recognizes the importance of these approaches to leave no one behind and achieve a world free from hunger, malnutrition, and poverty. Acknowledging the contribution of community-driven development to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, FAO promotes and scales-up these approaches across different technical areas of its programmatic work.    

This webinar will showcase the promising results of the methodological alliance between two FAO flagship participatory and people-centered approaches: The Farmer Field Schools (FFS) and the Dimitra Clubs.

During the webinar, the brand new publication of the global farmer field school platform will be flagged: Farmer field schools Gender equality, social inclusion and community empowerment. Experiences from Uganda - Karamoja Sub-Region

Meet the panelists:

  • Marcela Villarreal, Director partnerships, advocacy and capacity development at FAO
  • Sarr Makhfousse, FFS National Coordinator, FAO Senegal
  • Julie Nyolo Love, National Coordinator FAO Dimitra Clubs, Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Christiane Monsieur, FAO Dimitra Coordinator, Food and Nutrition Division (ESN)

Registration link: https://fao.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_VsUKAKDpSWC27Sdd3grjlQ