Глобальная платформа фермерских полевых школ

The Kenya National Field School Sharing Platform was held in Nakuru county of Kenya at the Jumuia Conference and Resort centre from 5-7 October 2016.


The Kenya Government Ministry of Agriculture Livestock and Fisheries in partnership with FAO organised for the first ever a National Field School sharing platform workshop. The theme for the workshop was Field School institutionalization for Agriculture and livelihoods transformation. This is within the context of a new constitutional framework, where agriculture has been devolved. The objectives of National FS sharing workshop was to:

  1. Create awareness on the FS concept and national experiences in applying the approach across various stakeholders.
  2. Serve as a major milestone towards the institutionalization of FS in Kenya.
  3. Explore the window of opportunity presented for FS as an extension mechanism with the National Agriculture Sector Extension Policy (NASEP). 

It is envisaged that a national coordination platform mechanism for FS implementation in Kenya, including defining roles and responsibilities of the various actors engaged, will be conceptualised at the event. The participants will be drawn from the Central government, county government, academic institutions, research centres, civil society organizations and farmer beneficiaries.  The platform sharing workshop will be held in Nakuru county of Kenya at the Jumuia Conference and Resort centre from 5-7 October 2016.

FAO will use this event to roll out the Field School guidance document and also create an awareness of the Global FS portal for information and experience sharing.  For more information kindly contact [email protected]