The Farmer Field Schools and Climate Change e-forum - Webinar series 17 October - 15 November
The FAO Technical Network on Sustainable Crop Production and Agroecology is pleased to invite you to the webinar series on
17 October – 15 November 2016
Climate change (CC) is a topic high on the development agenda. Major efforts are ongoing at different levels to develop strategies and actions to mitigate and adapt to climate change. An increasing number of projects in developing countries is working on climate change adaptation and mitigation. Farmer Field Schools, (Agro) Pastoral Field Schools, Climate Field Schools are included in some of these projects. They work with rural communities in developing strategies that help to better adapt to climate change and to increase resilience for those who have to deal with changing weather patterns, and risks and opportunities associated with these and other stresses. Field School programmes are evolving to integrate broader livelihood and system approaches into curricula and follow-up activities.
World Food Day’s theme for 2016 is: “Climate is changing, food and agriculture must too”. On this occasion, the Global FFS network will organize an online exchange on how Field Schools networks in different places deal with developing and implementing programmes around climate change.
This exchange will contribute to:
- An update of different initiatives and actors around Field Schools and Climate Change in different regions, and strengthening linkages between those initiatives;
- Facilitating a common understanding and approach of Field Schools and Climate Change adaptation/mitigation;
- Documenting successes and challenges so far, lessons learned and the way forward;
- Suggest innovations and recommendations for on-going programmes and policies, including specific recommendations, tools, activities for ongoing projects on Field Schools and CC.
The e-forum will consist of:
Three webinars (each of them to be held from 10.30 – 11.30 hrs, Rome time)
- October 17: Kick-off webinar: Why discuss FFS and climate change? A multi-scale perspective
- November 3; Examples from the field on Field Schools and CC.
- November 10; Lessons learned, challenges and way forward.
You can attend the webinar on line at:
Please read the guidelines before joining the webinar and connect 10 minutes before the webinar starts to ensure the audio works properly.
Invitations will be sent out for the Webinars, sign up necessary (up to 100 people). For the 2nd webinar on November 3, we welcome presenters that are ready to share experiences. Please contact us at: [email protected]
D-group discussion (email based) starting on October 17, for 4 weeks:
- October 17-24 first round of questions - Perception of climate change
- October 24-31 second round - System approach and community action
- November 1-15 third round - Developing the content of a CC Field School; lessons learned and way forward
Sign up for the D-group by sending an email to: [email protected].