Глобальная платформа фермерских полевых школ

Field School consultations with Institutions of Higher learning in Kenya


Under the project Institutionalization of Field Schools in Eastern Africa (GCP/SFE/002/SWI), a team composed of:

  • Dr. Peter Kimondo -  Director Veterinary Services
  • Prof. George Cheminingwa - Head of Crops Department –University of Nairobi
  • Dr. Paul Mutungi - FAO PFS Master Trainer
  • Mr. Edwin Adenya - Field School Knowledge Hub Support Officer.

held very fruitful deliberations and discussions with the Pwani University staff under the leadership of Ambassador Benjamin Mweri, Professor Semenyi  (the Dean School of Agriculture) and Dr. Maunde the head of Crops department. The meeting proposed for:

  • Joint grant applications between the university, FAO and other stakeholders
  • Documentation of process and results publication (older publications to be revisited)…validation and interrogation of existing materials.
  • FS units to adapt and promote appropriate technologies produced by research.
  • Conduct studies with the farmers. 

And the action points:

  1. The University Curriculum review done in May – September
  2. A Working group composed University focal points and the Government FS taskforce to be created.
  3. FAO to share the FS materials for interrogation and validation.
  4. Come up with a capacity building workshop: Sensitization (end of January, early February 2016)