Inception Planning Meeting for the Institutionalization of FFS in Eastern Africa

While the use of the Field School (FS) approach in the Eastern Africa region is widespread the state of mainstreaming FS within national extension systems varies highly. In response to the current situation and gaps and demands expressed by actors the two-year support project “Institutionalization of Field School approach” funded by SDC commenced in December 2015. One of the initial activities of the project was to convene an inception planning meeting held in Nairobi on 7-8th March 2016 attended by 40 participants. During the meeting institutionalization and up-scaling status and experiences of FS from Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Somalia, Burundi and Rwanda were presented, shared and discussed. It was noted that the institutionalisation is underway in all countries however in varying forms and degrees. The recently released FAO publication “A shift in global perspective – Institutionalizing Farmer Field School” was presented. The document points out main issues and ideas for discussion including key characteristics of FFS institutionalization processes, opportunities, and challenges.