Global Farmer Field School Platform

News and Events

Rapport de l’atelier de recyclage sous régional sur les Champs Ecoles Agro-pastoraux (CEAP) et l’adaptation au changement climatique
News 29 September 2016
Du 17 au 23 juillet 2016, 27 experts en CEP et pastoralisme d’Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre ont pris part à un atelier de formation organisé par le réseau des experts CEP de l’Afrique de l’ouest et du centre...
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The Kenya National Field School Sharing Platform was held in Nakuru county of Kenya at the Jumuia Conference and Resort centre from 5-7 October 2016.
Event 27 September 2016
The Kenya Government Ministry of Agriculture Livestock and Fisheries in partnership with FAO organised for the first ever a National Field School sharing platform workshop. The theme for the workshop was Field School institutionalization for Agriculture and livelihoods transformation. This is within...
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Second Southern Africa sub-regional FFS meeting for Southern Africa
News 23 September 2016
As a follow up of the first FFS Sub-Regional Workshop for Southern Africa, held in Lusaka, Zambia in December 2014, during which the first sub-regional FFS network was established, a second sub-regional FFS meeting for Southern Africa was organized on...
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Agricultura e Inclusión Social buscan indicadores comunes para implementar y medir impacto de Escuelas de Campo
News 04 August 2016
FAO capacita a especialistas y técnicos de AGRORUAL y FONCODES para unificar criterios de implementación de Escuelas de Campo y generar indicadores comunes para evaluar su impacto.
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