Plataforma Global de las Escuelas de Campo de Agricultores


Pastoralist Field Schools in Eastern Africa: Innovative climate adaptation in practice
News 24 April 2017
Pastoralism and agro-pastoralism - predominant livelihood systems in the drylands of Eastern Africa - are facing new challenges. Read more here
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ISTVS Agro-pastoral Field School Graduation event Somaliland 26-27 February IGAD and FAO building field capacity for resilience
News 13 March 2017
On 27 February, 21 Master Trainers, including four women, graduated from a three-month Agropastoral Field School (APFS) Master Trainer course held at the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Sheikh Technical Veterinary School (ISTVS) in Sheikh, Somaliland. As Master Trainers, the graduates are...
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Farmer Field School Guidance Document – capacity building session
Event 03 March 2017 - 03 March 2017
 A briefing and capacity building session on the Farmer Field School Guidance Document published in 2016 is planned on the 3rd March in Nairobi at UNON Gigiri, 10-12 am.  This session has been organised in connection with a mission to...
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Nuevo Proyecto piloto de Escuelas de Campo de Agricultores en el Perú de capacitación de promotores campesino como facilitadores: cultivos de aguaymanto, alverja, alfalfa y  manejo productivo de cuyes
News 02 March 2017
En San Andrés de Tupicocha, Departamento de Lima, a 3700 msnm, 20 facilitadores  están siendo capacitados gracias a la implementación de un proyecto piloto de certificación de facilitadores de ECA. El proyecto empezó en agosto 2016 y durará siete meses....
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FAO Writeshop: “Empowering small-scale livestock producers through the Farmer Field School (FFS) approach”
Event 28 February 2017 - 02 March 2017
The many successful experiences in applying the Farmer Field School (FFS) approach to livestock production have raised interest among Governments, NGOs, the private sector and other stakeholders to design new livestock-focused field school interventions. However, there is a lack of...
Production system: Livestock