Global Farmer Field School Platform


The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in close collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development (MoAIWD) will hold a farmers' market symposium from 26-28 June, 2017 aimed at linking smallholder farmers to the...
Institutionnalisation de l’approche CEP en Afrique du Centre et de l’Ouest L’approche Champs Ecole de Producteurs (CEP) est une approche d’éducation non-formelle utilisée dans plusieurs pays avec différents contextes. L’approche a été introduite en Afrique avec l’appui de la FAO...
Several thousands of Field Schools (FS)[1] have been implemented throughout Eastern Africa since the introduction of the approach in Africa the 90s. As the FS approach becomes increasingly popular new issues and challenges emerge, such as how to maintain the...
FAO is organizing a moderated email discussion to take forward the discussions on FFS institutionalization in Asia, with focus on the linkages between local and national level. This is a follow-up to the Regional Workshop on Institutionalizing FFS at the Local and...
 A briefing and capacity building session on the Farmer Field School Guidance Document published in 2016 is planned on the 3rd March in Nairobi at UNON Gigiri, 10-12 am.  This session has been organised in connection with a mission to...