Global Farmer Field School Platform


The many successful experiences in applying the Farmer Field School (FFS) approach to livestock production have raised interest among Governments, NGOs, the private sector and other stakeholders to design new livestock-focused field school interventions. However, there is a lack of...
A four day Asia Pacific workshop on Empowering Farmers through Integrated Pest Management Farmers Field School (IPM FFS) in Support of Sustainable Intensification of Crop Production in the context of Climate Change was held in Kathmandu on 27 February to...
The Field school Hub at its start-up phase is hosted in the FAO Sub regional Resilience Team of Eastern Africa in Nairobi (2016-2017) within the context of the Institutionalization of Field Schools in Eastern Africa (GCP/SFE/002/SWI) project. It is envisaged...
  From the 4th to the 10th of December, 24 Farmer Field School Master trainers coming from 13 countries in West and Central Africa will gather in Yaoundé, Cameroun, for the regional FFS training on cassava and climate change adaptation.The...
FAO Jordan will be launching the Farmer Field Schools Guidance Document in collaboration with the Jordan Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), The National Center for Agricultural Research and Extension (NCARE) and FAO Regional Initiative on Small Scale Family Farming...