Plateforme mondiale des Champs-Écoles des Producteurs


Seminar - Improving the livelihoods of small-scale livestock producers through the FFS approach
Event 15 May 2018 - 15 May 2018
Livestock Farmer Field Schools (FFSs) are “schools without walls” where groups of small-scale livestock producers test and adapt good agricultural and marketing practices that help them to sustainably improve their, and their families’, livelihoods. Over the past two decades, Livestock...
Production system: Livestock Large Ruminants
From the fields:  agriculture feminization, climate change and Climate Field School (CFS)
News 10 May 2018
Agriculture feminisation is considered to be the major obstacle to agriculture development in Nepal. However, if we take it as an opportunity and invest in women’s productive and adaptive capacity, this will change. In order to improve farm production and...
Production system:
Event 07 May 2018 - 26 May 2018
The training of FFS facilitators started on the 7th of May and will last until the 26th of May in North East Nigeria. The training has been organised by the FAO office for North East Nigeria and will be facilitated...
Production system:
Progress results on the Global Farmer Field School Survey
News 07 May 2018
  Progress results on the Global Farmer Field School Survey     The Global Farmer Field School Survey is the result of a collaboration between the FFS team in FAO Headquarters and Wageningen University. The results will provide a global review of FFS...
Production system:
Formation de facilitateurs de Champs-Ëcoles des Producteurs sur les 'CEP pour la gestion integrée de la chenille légionnaire'
Event 09 April 2018 - 27 April 2018
La FAO organise à mi-avril deux ateliers de formation sous régionaux des champs écoles paysans (CEP) pour la gestion intégrée des nuisibles (GIN) de la chenille légionnaire d’automne. Un atelier se tiendra à Yaoundé, Cameroun du 9 au 15 avril et...
Production system: Cereals