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SIF 2024 Theme: Inclusive Science and Innovation for Agrifood Systems Transformation, Leaving No One Behind
Event 14 October 2024 - 18 October 2024
  The third edition of the FAO Science and Innovation Forum (SIF 2024) will be organized from 16 to 18 October 2024 under the umbrella of the World Food Forum (WFF), together with the Global Youth Forum and Hand-in-Hand Investment Forum....
Production system:
Benin Advances in Climate-Resilient Agriculture Training through Farmer Field Schools: Catalyst for sustainable change
News 09 September 2024
At the heart of the Oueme Basin in Benin, a transformative initiative is underway to strengthen climate resilience among 330,000 small-scale farmers. The Oueme Climate Resilience Initiative (OCRI) aims not only to mitigate climate disruptions but also to empower local...
Production system:
Overcoming the First Hurdle for Livestock Farmer Field Schools in Afghanistan
News 28 August 2024
In Afghanistan, 100 livestock and 60 wheat Farmer Field School (FFS) facilitators were trained in 2023 across five regions by FAO national master trainers, and they have already begun conducting FFS sessions. So far, 560 livestock FFS have been established,...
Production system: Livestock Cereals
Transforming Lives: The Impact of Farmers' Field Schools in the
News 05 August 2024
Over 2018-19, the Farmers' Integrated Development Association (FIDA) distributed 167 goats to 158 women-headed households in southern Punjab, Pakistan. Today, six years later, the results are remarkable. From 167 goat given to 158 families, the initial herd has multiplied to...
Production system: Livestock
Empowering Farmers: A Collaborative Journey Towards Sustainable Soil Management in Mozambique
News 25 June 2024 - 03 May 2024
In a move towards more sustainable and regenerative agriculture in Mozambique, the FAO office, backed by the Global Soil Partnership (GSP), has launched an inspiring initiative to build farmers’ capacity to steward their soil, ensuring long-term productivity and environmental health....
Production system: Crops Cereals Vegetables and Melons Legumes
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