11 December 2024
Capacity Development - Technical and Functional Skills in Management of Land, Soil, and Water Resources: Experiences from Farmer Field Schools, SDG 6 Monitoring, and Soil Projects

The Slow Food movement focuses on the preservation of indigenous food traditions and biodiversity, and the promotion of agroecology. Bashir is a leader of the Slow Food Community, called the ‘Toyoro Kongokinyinyir Nopimpim’ (Survive with Your Sweat), in Karamoja in...

02 March 2021
Despite the presence of the COVID-19 pandemic in the world, and in Equatorial Guinea in particular, a group of 24 young Ecuadorians have come together to form a Farmers Field School (FFS) called "AMOR" (LOVE in Spanish) in the continental...
18 December 2020
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in collaboration with the Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Life Vision have started its all women Farmer Field School (FFS) activities on sugar beets in Beni Ebeid and Mansheit ElNasr villages in...