Global Farmer Field School Platform

24 April 2017, Vientiane - The Minister of Agriculture and Forestry of Laos has delivered an award to several projects and development partners, including FAO, in support of clean agriculture. The award comes as a result of a FAO project...

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FAO is organizing a moderated email discussion to take forward the discussions on FFS institutionalization in Asia, with focus on the linkages between local and national level. This is a follow-up to the Regional Workshop on Institutionalizing FFS at the Local and...

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APPPC Organizes a Workshop on IPM FFS in Kathmandu
27 February 2017 - 02 March 2017

A four day Asia Pacific workshop on Empowering Farmers through Integrated Pest Management Farmers Field School (IPM FFS) in Support of Sustainable Intensification of Crop Production in the context of Climate Change was held in Kathmandu on 27 February to...

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“The workshop gave participants a clear idea on how to integrate soil health in the curriculum of Farmer Field School on Save and Grow”, said Ms Florecita Pante. She was one of the 36 participants (19 women) who participated in...

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A total of 33 participants (10 women) participated in the Regional Rice Initiative - Workshop cum Study Tour on Knowledge exchange on Farmer Field School curriculum development for promotion of efficient rice farming practices and value chains. Field visits were...

Production system: Crops Cereals
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