Global Farmer Field School Platform

FAO is organizing a moderated email discussion to take forward the discussions on FFS institutionalization in Asia, with focus on the linkages between local and national level. This is a follow-up to the Regional Workshop on Institutionalizing FFS at the Local and...

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A congregation of great thinkers in devising a strategy for inclusion of Field School approaches in learning institutions within Eastern Africa.

Under the programme “Institutionalization of Field Schools on Eastern Africa” FAO-RTEA is facilitating a write-shop to review the course content...

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Dans un contexte de forte densité de population et de dégradation de la fertilité des sols, l’agriculture de la région des Savanes au Togo s’appuie sur une utilisation croissante d’engrais et pesticides chimiques dont la qualité et l’origine ne sont...

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Pastoralism and agro-pastoralism - predominant livelihood systems in the drylands of Eastern Africa - are facing new challenges.

Read more here

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On 27 February, 21 Master Trainers, including four women, graduated from a three-month Agropastoral Field School (APFS) Master Trainer course held at the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Sheikh Technical Veterinary School (ISTVS) in Sheikh, Somaliland. As Master Trainers, the graduates are...

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