Plateforme mondiale des Champs-Écoles des Producteurs

Join this hybrid seminar to learn about the importance of the strategic mobilization and scaling-up of forestry and agroforestry extension and capacity building for producer organizations, smallholders and forest communities to enhance sustainable forestry and food production.

This seminar...

Production system:

La FAO, en collaboration avec le ministère de l'Agriculture et l'Autorité Mahaweli du Sri Lanka (MASL), met en œuvre le projet "RiceUp" grâce à un financement de l'Union européenne (UE). Son principal objectif est de répondre à la crise économique...

Production system: Cereals

Farmer field schools (FFS) were developed over 30 years ago as an alternative to more top-down extension models so that farmers could engage in participatory learning, particularly through field experiments. While focusing on empowering farmers in general, FFS have often...

Production system:

Ce mardi 18 juillet 2023 a eu lieu la cérémonie de lancement du cours de recyclage des maîtres formateurs et facilitateurs des champs écoles agropastoraux sur l’alimentation, le suivi sanitaire et la reproduction des petits ruminants.

Durant six semaines, trente-huit participants...

Production system: Small Ruminants

Blantyre, 14-15-16 June 2023 – Over 120 participants from 35 countries representing farmers, governments, international organizations, private sectorand civil society gathered during three days for the FAO Global Forum onthe Future of Farmer Field Schools for Sustainable Agrifood Systems. Exciting discussions...

Production system: