Plateforme mondiale des Champs-Écoles des Producteurs

For a whole season, 20 faculty staff of the Pwani University will receive a training to be certified as FS Mastrer Trainers (MTs). This training of Master Trainers is part of the project "Institutionalization of Field Schools (FS) in Extension Curricula...

Production system:

To strengthen resilience in the Horn of Africa against natural hazards like drought, which can lead to cattle losses and increased food insecurity, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is supporting pastoralists in northeastern Kenya’s Mandera County to...

Production system: Livestock

Climate change can cause long-lasting, more frequent dry spells – a particular problem for pastoralists in the Horn of Africa as this leads to livestock losses, increased food insecurity and spiralling poverty. In Mandera County in northeastern Kenya, FAO is supporting pastoralists...

Production system: Livestock


FAO, in coordination with key partners, officially launched the Eastern Africa Field Schools Support Hub in Entebbe, Uganda on 30 May.

The role of the hub is to support the scaling-up and the institutionalization of the FS methodology, policy dialogue and...

Production system:

Starting in the 1990’s, the International Potato Center (CIP)’s integrated pest management team for potato late blight (IPM-LB) realized the importance of addressing the management of late blight, a complex potato disease, by combining crop protection and management sciences, with...

Production system: Root/Tuber crops
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