Plateforme mondiale des Champs-Écoles des Producteurs

A congregation of great thinkers in devising a strategy for inclusion of Field School approaches in learning institutions within Eastern Africa.

Under the programme “Institutionalization of Field Schools on Eastern Africa” FAO-RTEA is facilitating a write-shop to review the course content...

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On 27 February, 21 Master Trainers, including four women, graduated from a three-month Agropastoral Field School (APFS) Master Trainer course held at the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Sheikh Technical Veterinary School (ISTVS) in Sheikh, Somaliland. As Master Trainers, the graduates are...

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 A briefing and capacity building session on the Farmer Field School Guidance Document published in 2016 is planned on the 3rd March in Nairobi at UNON Gigiri, 10-12 am.  This session has been organised in connection with a mission to...

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Farmer Field Schools (FFSs) play a key role as the critical link between farmers and many other important stakeholders in the agricultural value chains. To the institutions of higher learning including Universities, the FFS model offers an avenue through which...

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“The workshop gave participants a clear idea on how to integrate soil health in the curriculum of Farmer Field School on Save and Grow”, said Ms Florecita Pante. She was one of the 36 participants (19 women) who participated in...

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