Глобальная платформа фермерских полевых школ

FAO is organizing a moderated email discussion to take forward the discussions on FFS institutionalization in Asia, with focus on the linkages between local and national level. This is a follow-up to the Regional Workshop on Institutionalizing FFS at the Local and...

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In San Andrés de Tupicocha, Department of Lima, 3700m, 20 facilitators are training as part of a project piloting state certification of FFS facilitators.  The pilot begun in August 2016 and will last seven months. While training, the facilitators have...

Production system: Crops

The Field school Hub at its start-up phase is hosted in the FAO Sub regional Resilience Team of Eastern Africa in Nairobi (2016-2017) within the context of the Institutionalization of Field Schools in Eastern Africa (GCP/SFE/002/SWI) project. It is envisaged...

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 Le 18 octobre 2016 a l’assemblee nationale Bamako

Cérémonie d’ouverture des travaux
L’atelier, qui a pour objectif global de contribuer au développement des compétences des Elus Nationaux, partenaires du projet GCP/MLI/033/LDF, pour mieux faire face aux défis des changements climatiques et...

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The Kenya Government Ministry of Agriculture Livestock and Fisheries in partnership with FAO organised for the first ever a National Field School sharing platform workshop. The theme for the workshop was Field School institutionalization for Agriculture and livelihoods transformation. This is within...

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