Глобальная платформа фермерских полевых школ

Agriculture feminisation is considered to be the major obstacle to agriculture development in Nepal. However, if we take it as an opportunity and invest in women’s productive and adaptive capacity, this will change. In order to improve farm production and...

Production system:


Climate change is no new phenomenon. For decades changes in temperatures, precipitation, new and emergent pests, and loss of vegetative cover have been noted and documented. It is only after a direct effect on smallholder agricultural and pastoral production...

Production system:

Du 16 au 31 Octobre 2016, une mission permettra de recolter les informations nécéssaires à la rédaction d’une étude de cas sur les thèmes du genre, de l’autonomisation communautaire et de l’inclusion social liée aux champs écoles.

L'année dernière la division...

Production system:

The story of Chedlia from Monastir, Cherahil, Tunisia. Read more Success Stories.

Production system:
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