
Event 18 July 2023 - 26 September 2023
This Tuesday, July 18, 2023 saw the launch of the refresher course for master trainers and facilitators of agropastoral field schools on the feeding, health monitoring and reproduction of small ruminants.
Over a six-week period, thirty-eight participants from Burkina Faso, Mali,...
Production system: Small Ruminants

News 27 June 2023
Blantyre, 14-15-16 June 2023 – Over 120 participants from 35 countries representing farmers, governments, international organizations, private sectorand civil society gathered during three days for the FAO Global Forum onthe Future of Farmer Field Schools for Sustainable Agrifood Systems. Exciting discussions...
Production system:

Event 14 June 2023 - 16 June 2023
In 2023, FAO is launching a process to take stock of recent innovations in FFS and to brainstorm on priorities for action, laying the foundations for upgrading FFS to fit emerging challenges through a new FAO-wide Value-Added Impact Area (VAIA)...
Production system:

News 10 June 2023
FFS is a non-formaleducation approachthat has been facilitatingthe empowerment of farmersin over 100 countries for more than 30 years.
Recent estimates indicate that every year between 400 000 and 1 million farmers are trained through FFS worldwide.
June 10, 2023. This June 14,15 and...
Production system:
News 16 May 2023
“Now I can help meet my family needs, for example those related to the health and education of my children,” stated a participant of one of the women-only farmer field schools (FFS) from Lahj, Yemen. 231 women-only Farmers Field Schools...
Production system: Livestock