Food for the Cities


 > FCIT > 主要活动一览表 > 可持续发展议程

Sustainable Development Agenda

From 05 May 2009 to 16 May 2009 - New York
17th session of the United Nations Division for Sustainable Development (UNCSD)  
United Nations Division for Sustainable Development (implementation of Agenda 21)
From 05 Oct 2010 to 07 Oct 2010 - Incheon, Korea
Future of Cities 
20th ICLEI Congress
From 22 Aug 2011 to 19 Jul 2011 - Montreal, Canada
Ecocity World Summit 
People. Ecology. Urbanity. Moving Towards Ecocities.
From 18 Jun 2012 to 22 Jun 2012 - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil