Aliments pour les Villes


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The discussion list [email protected] brings together people committed to work on the issue related to food, agriculture, urbanization and cities. The Dgroups was set up in 2009 as an online platform offering tools and services that bring individuals and organisations together in the international development community.

The “food-for-cities” Dgroups discussion list deals, in a city related approach, with themes such as: right to food, nutrition, emergency operations, production and marketing, natural resources management and land tenure, local governance, and rural-urban linkages, and much more. It contributes to a local food system approach centred on cities.

It is an open platform, with moderated inscription. It brings together people from the public sector (national and local governments, municipalities, and international organizations), private sector, academics, NGOs and civil society.

To join in the network, connect to or contact Makiko Taguchi.

This list is to be considered as a private mailing list: messages should not be sent outside the list. The messages flow is not moderated. Participants have to respect the principles of the netiquette.

Be careful that when replying to a message received from the list, you will reply to all the list. If you want to reply just to the sender, do "forward" then add the recipient address in the "to..." box.
You can unsubscribe from the list whenever you want by clicking on the link at the footnote included in each message received from the list.