Alimentos para las Ciudades


 > FCIT > Políticas, planificación e instituciones

Policy, planning and institutions

Food, agriculture and cities: challenges and priorities

More and more of the world's population is becoming concentreted in and aroud large cities. Ensuring the right to have access to safe and nutritious food to the billions of people living in cities represents a global development challenge of the highest order.

Promoting sustainable agricultural production in urban and peri-urban areas and developing food systems capable of meeting urban consumers demand will become increasingly important to global food security. Currently however, the important relationship between food security, agriculture and urbanization is often not sufficiently recognized.

There is an urgent need to ensure that cities are included on the agenda of food and agriculture policy makers, planners and institutions. Likewise, it is equally urgent to integrate food security and agriculture into the agenda of city planners and local urban authorities.

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Selected documents

Urban construction in China

Briefing note