Global Feed Safety Platform

Louis Tamborini

Berne Switzerland

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Current professional position and company/organization/institution

In charge of feed dossiers and head of the sector "Production Safety and Animal Nutrition" of the Federal Office for Agriculture of Switzerland

Other organizations he/she has worked with

UFA feed until 1990, Provimi-Kliba SA Switzerland until 2007

Short presentation

Agronomy engineer, working for 25 years in the private feed sector and now since 10 years for the Swiss government

Main areas of expertise

Main sector of work experience

Feed industry, Governmental institutions, Intergovernmental organization,

Years of professional experience

more than 20 years

Country expertise on feed safety


Academic qualifications

Bachelor: ,

University: agronomy ,

Advanced University: ,

MSc/MA: ,

PHD: ,

Feed safety is important (to me) because

Feed is part of the food chain

Most significant contribution to feed safety has been

CHE feed legislation, Task Force on Animal Feeding of the Codex Alimentarius


Native language: French

Other languages: English, Other German

Other skills/interests


Availabe for

Provision of advice and information, Participation to scientific or technical meetings, Short term consultancies,


Reference: Eva Reinhard

Reference: Daniela Battaglia

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