Tailored animal nutrition and feed strategies can lead to a significant reduction in antimicrobial usage
02/01/2019, Codex Alimentarius
The role of animal nutrition and feed strategies and options for reducing the need to use antimicrobials in animal production was highlighted in a side event during a meeting of the Ad hoc Codex Intergovernmental Task Force on Antimicrobial Resistance that took
Afghanistan in need of animal feed
28/11/2018, AllAboutFeed
A new drought response plan will help 1.4 million of the most vulnerable drought-affected people in Afghanistan with seeds, fertilisers and animal feed.
Feed Safety Multi-stakeholder Partnership SEMINAR/WEBINAR SERIES: Medicated feed - an overview of regulations in the major animal source food markets of the world
25/10/2018, FAO
Medicated feed is produced and used globally under various different regulatory frameworks with different regulatory requirements for manufacture and placing on the market of medicated feed for the US, the European Uni
Public consultation: Guidance on feed additives and the environment
08/10/2018, EFSA
EFSA has launched a public consultation on its draft guidance for assessing the safety of feed additives for the environment.
The guidance document is intended to help applicants prepare and present applications for the authorisation of feed additives. It specifies what kind of
Call to industry over carryover of veterinary drugs in feed
25/09/2018, FeedNavigator
The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) are seeking stakeholder involvement in an advisory meeting and are also looking for data to address the issue of the carryover from feed to food of unavoidable
Scientific interest for insects for feed is growing
11/09/2018, Wageningen University & Research
More and more people are interested in the use of insects as animal feed or as animal feed ingredient. Insect products are allowed for use already in petfood and aquaculture. It is expected that EU-regulations will be adapted in the
Feed Safety Multi-stakeholder Partnership SEMINAR/WEBINAR SERIES: Insects as feed - a sustainable solution for animal nutrition?
06/09/2018, FAO
Insects are increasingly being introduced in food systems, either directly or through animal nutrition. The seminar/webinar will provide the opportunity to learn more about insect production processes and use, the implication for sustainability, feed/food security, feed/food safety, animal health and welfare,
Insect meal for poultry close to EU approval
05/09/2018, AllAboutFeed
The approval of using insect protein for poultry feed can be expected in the not so distant future.
Survey on the use of medicated feed and antibiotics used for growth promotion, and on the legislation regulating them
03/09/2018, FAO
Within the framework of its activities addressing Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), the FAO-facilitated Feed Safety Multi-stakeholder Partnership and the FAO Legal Department are gathering information on the use of medicated feed and antibiotics used for growth promotion, as well as on the legislation regulating them.
CALLS on carry-over from feed to food of unavoidable and unintended residues of approved veterinary drugs
03/08/2018, FAO
For FAO/WHO Stakeholder Meeting on 7 January 2019 and Expert Consultation Meeting on 8 to 11 January 2019 – FAO HQ, Rome, Italy.