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Presentations list


Opening Session

Dr Melba B. Reantaso


Country progress report on the national planning and the consultations on the development of the aquaculture component of country NAPs on AMR in China

Dr Aihua Li and Dr Yishan Lu


Country progress report on the national planning and the consultations on the development of the aquaculture component of country NAPs on AMR in Malaysia

Mr Gerald N. Misol Jr. and Dr Wan Norhana


Country progress report on the national planning and the consultations on the development of the aquaculture component of country NAPs on AMR in the Philippines

Dr Simeona Regidor and Dr Sonia Somga


Country progress report on the national planning and the consultations on the development of the aquaculture component of country NAPs on AMR in Viet Nam

Dr Dang Thi Lua and Dr Nguyen Thi Lan Huong


Progress report on the results of the AMU survey in China (Part 1)

Dr Yishan Lu


Progress report on the results of the AMU survey in China (Part 2)

Dr Yuting Deng


Progress report on the results of the AMU survey in Malaysia

Mr Gerald N. Misol Jr. and Dr Wan Norhana


Progress report on the results of the AMU survey in Philippines

Dr Simeona Regidor and Dr Sonia Somga


Progress report on the results of the AMU/AMR survey in Viet Nam

Dr Dang Thi Lua and Dr Nguyen Thi Lan Huong


FAO CCRF Technical Guidelines on Prudent and Responsible Use of Veterinary Medicines in Aquatic Food Production

Dr Melba B Reantaso


ASEAN Standard Operating Procedures for Responsible Movement of Live Aquatic Animals

Dr Eduardo Leano

12. Examples of shrimp disease recognition for farm technicians through Level 1 diagnostics Dr Celia Pitogo
13. Available information on biosecurity and prudent use- related BMPs in aquaculture Dr Iddya Karunasagar
14. Available information on biosecurity and prudent use- related BMPs in aquaculture Mr Omar Elhassan
15. Current status on fish vaccines Dr Rohana Subasinghe
16. Best Practice guidance review (from Mangalore Workshop Working Group 4) Dr Larry Hanson
17a. Alternatives to antibiotics in carp aquaculture Dr Iddya  Karunasagar
17b. Alternatives to antimicrobials pertaining to diseases affecting carps in China Dr Li Aihua
18. Review of alternatives to antimicrobials pertaining to diseases affecting shrimps Dr Celia Pitogo
19. Design of antimicrobial susceptibility testing programmes relevant to aquaculture and aquacultural products Dr Peter Smith
20. AMR in zoonotic pathogens associated with aquatic environment Dr Iddya Karunasagar
21. Diagnostics and antimicrobials administration Dr Snježana Zrnčić
22. WG 1: Guidance on best practices on the use of antimicrobials in selected aquaculture species (carps and tilapias) Dr Larry Hanson on behalf of Group 1
23. WG 2: Guidance on best practices on the use of antimicrobials in selected aquaculture species (shrimp) Dr Celia Pitogo on behalf of Group 2
24. WG 4: Guidance on antimicrobial susceptibility testing for selected species (carps, tilapia, shrimp, channel catfish) Dr Peter Smith on behalf of Group 4
25. AMR risk analysis guideline of CODEX (including definitions: AM for: therapeutic use, prophylactic use and growth promotion) Dr Iddya Karunasagar
26. Complexities involved in source attribution of AMR genes found in aquaculture products Dr Iddya Karunasagar
27. Integrated fish/livestock farming in China Dr Aihua Li and Dr Yishan Lu
28. Integrated fish/livestock farming in Malaysia Mr Gerald N. Misol Jr. and Dr Wan Norhana
29. Integrated fish/livestock farming in the Philippines Dr Simeona Regidor and Dr Sonia Somga
30. Integrated fish/livestock farming in Viet Nam Dr Dang Thi Lua and Dr Nguyen Thi Lan Huong
31. The Way Forward and Conclusion presentation and closing Dr Melba B Reantaso