Table 8. Feed formulae (ingredient composition) and proximate composition of commonly used farm-made feed for different life stages in semi-intensive farming system.
Ingredient/proximate Life stages/size class (Malaysia)
composition (% dry matter) Fingerling (a) Grower (a) Broodstock (b)
Ingredient composition (%)      
Groundnut meal 7.5 10  
Soybean meal 7.5 10 19
Rice bran 16.8 21.8  
Yeast, feed grade 3 3  
Fish meal, 55% protein 15 5 10
Vitamin premix 0.2 (c) 0.2 (c) 2.5 (d)
Fish oil     3.5
Trash fish 35 35 40
Fresh mussel flesh     2
Fresh squid     3
Fresh livestock blood 15 15  
Fresh shrimp heads, including tail shell     5
Wheat pollards     15
Proximate composition (%) Moist Moist  
Dry matter 70 70  
Crude protein 45 40 44
Crude lipid     10
Crude fibre      
Gross energy (kJ/g feed)      
Cost (US$/kg)     0.56
Data source: (a) Chow (1984), (b) New (1986)
(c) see table 12a
(d) see table 12b (Per kg of dry matter afer dilution to 1:6)